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Guy's Officer Application


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Officer Application Format

What is your name?


What is your rank?

Elite Pilot 

How long have you been a NCO?

8 Days

What rank are you applying for?


How many strikes do you have?


Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?

Since my first day on the ISD I have taken my role in SF seriously being active every day.
Even though I have been accepted into Gladius Squadron I have overcome issues with my transport flying by practicing hours over days to achieve smooth event & non-event performance to a point where I was made MVP by Versio for my Transport flying. This shows I am not blind to my flaws when pointed out by my peers, I have dedicated myself to overcome them. 

I have followed orders to the letter from any commanding officers during events & aboard the ISD, bonding with my fellow SF & shown that I am first to raise my hand to undertake special missions from Naval / High Command.

I have dedicated myself to expanding the SF Battalion by recruiting, nurturing & bonding with the recruits not only that but successfully leading events to victory with my juniors while I was the only Highest-Ranking Pilot onboard. I have performed PBDs & also provided brief but appropriate battle reports to my Seniors where I have also raised my fellow SF to seniors if I believe they should be considered for promotion when warranted.

I believe my role here at the ISD as an SF Officer is threefold – Grow the battalion numbers, increase the positive reputation of SF & lead by example.

What can you do to assist command with this rank?

I will continue to dedicate myself by following orders from my seniors but also taking ther lead during events within SF if no other Senior SF are onboard & nurturing my relationships with others on the ISD by continuing my positive attitude & commitment to SF taking it’s reputation seriously.

I will continue to dedicate myself to hosting tryouts at least once a day, training new cadets not just on technical piloting but the culture of the Imperial Way & holding sims that create bonds between the battalion that will create a great working atmosphere so that every day on the ISD is a great working environment.

As I said during my time at the Academy’s Systems Dept - a good environment breeds moral which in turn brings activity & productivity up

Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank?




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i love guy

2 hours ago, Kuria said:

+ Support

-Is Definitely Ready To Be An Officer

-Good App Length

-Good At Leading

-British (<3)


Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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10 hours ago, Kuria said:

+ Support

-Is Definitely Ready To Be An Officer

-Good App Length

-Good At Leading

-British (<3)

i don't mind that you are  British


current ranks: Vice Sovereign Carnor Jax // Drago, Tank SGT Drago TT5736, Shore HVY SGT Drago TT57

old ranks: SL Drago Fury SEIF36, SF CSL GC Drago 5736, SHGO Elder guard Aron Veisler, SO Sub Lieutenant Drago

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