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Scruffy's Event Team app- Accepted


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In-Game Name:


Steam ID:


ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank):


How many hours do you have on the server?:

8 weeks

What is your general knowledge on the rules?:

i no the rules pretty well

How many warns do you have? (No more than 15):

i have 6 warns

Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+):

I want to be in event team because i want to help with events and make events with others that are in event team. I have played events and have had alot of fun in most of them and I would love to bring that experience to others and give the some memorable moment like I have made in Gaminglight. I would also like to bring more events into the server and help bring the server more activity during the nights or morning when there is no one really active. I also have a bunch of friends in event team that I will be able to help each other with event when needed I also have great building ideas as well. I think this will also help me with my staff experience and my journey as a staff member and I think this will also be a great path to take as a staff member. I will always be able to help with a event when ever someone needs me on I will most likely be asleep  but i will most likely get on.

Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

So i will get at least 3 or 4 people to be alliins with 150 armor and 100 HP and a  rifle and they basically will invade Rockford  and all citizens and gov will help defend the city. Also a never event same thing but zombies without the rifle instead they will have fists.

If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone)

Monday - Friday:  Most likely at night time [I am AEST Australia estran standed time]

Saturday and Sunday:  Most likely at night time [I am AEST Australia estran standed time]

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? yes i have

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