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Missing a couple of things on E11

Nenea Tanti

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What bug is occurring? Combat Engineer is spawning with 175 hp instead of 200, Commander, Coldsilver and Coldsilver Alpha Unit are missing their Cross Arms sweps, Rapid Care Unit spawns with 150 armor instead of 175, Ambush Specialist is missing cuffs and the tranquikzer (weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9).

Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? Combat Engineer, Commander, Coldsilver, Coldislver Alpha Unit, Rapid Care Unit, Ambush Specialist.

Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? N/A

Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action: CE HP, RCU Armor

Edited by Nenea Tanti

MTF Epsilon-11 Commander | Event Team 

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