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Seb's EMS Retirement

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I honestly don’t even know where to begin and I know almost everyone will be surprised by this. EMS has been a huge part of my life and I am extremely grateful for this amazing opportunity I had being Chief. I will never forget all the memories I have made in this department. Unfortunately, time passes.(Fun fact, I have been Chief since 12:25 p.m September 29, 2019.) I will be on EMS from time to time but I think I should get to the mentions. I am sorry if I don't mention you as there are a lot of people, but just know I am thankful for every single one of you. I will start at the top of the EMS roster and go down.

High Command

Beelzebub - Thank you for everything you have done for EMS. From training FTO’s to doing basic roster work you were always there ready to work. It has been an honour working alongside you and I wish the best for you in the future! 


Low Command


MiniEpic - Congrats on Head Deputy! You deserved it! If you keep working hard you could possibly make it to HC! Thank you for everything you do and I hope to see you around!

Drake - After that brief visit to the reserves side you are back in EMS! Glad to see you back! Keep on working hard!

Rhammer - Rhammer you have done so much for this department! Thank you for being a part of EMS and I hope to see you in High Command one day!

Tyler John - Keep up the good Tyler! I know if you keep working hard you will continue to reach higher ranks! Thank you for everything you do!

Ajax - Ahhh Atjax… first off, Please don’t block me! Ajax you have done a lot of work for EMS and I want to thank you for that! Also, don’t get me wrong I still love EMS and I forever will. EMS is like a family to me that I will never forget. Please don’t give Beelzebub a hard time! I look forward to seeing you rank up!

MJTHEOG - Thank you for all your work in EMS! I’m sad that you couldn't be here at the meeting today but everyone has things to do in life! Keep up the hard work!

Ecott - I am glad you are back in EMS! Thank you so much for everything you do! I look forward to playing with you in the future!


Dark - Congrats on low command! EMS now has another furry in command! Keep on working up the ranks!




Without any of you EMS would not be how it is today and I thank you all for that. EMS to me is like a second family. Everyone has a different personality and different roles to play. It has been an honour seeing you all work up the ranks and I hope you all continue to! Thank you for being a part of EMS! 


First Response


Stackable - I enjoyed working beside you. You are doing a great job on First Response! Thank you for everything you do! I hope to see you around in-game! 


Quotes and Memories


-Screams "Theres a dead spider hanging from my ceiling!" Screams again "No! Its alive!" -Seb 2k19   

- Lookin' like a mad fish(fox) (dog) over here.     

- "Drum roll....... Going to HD is.... (Music) "everyone, who is ? " "OH I DIDN'T SAY ITTT?!"

-"Why am i orange!!! Ender HELP HELP" 

-"What can I say, I enjoy hitting cars!" -Seb 2k20        

-"I need to get some H2OwO" - Seb 2k20

- "I will never leave EMS! - Seb 2k21

I will post picture when I get the chance! Thank you all for everything!

Edited by Seb
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DENIED Reapply in 2 Weeks 

Edited by [GL] Dark

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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You told me this a couple days before this but it still doesn't feel real. We were talking about how you would outlive me, but look where we are at. You did so much good for this department, always kept a level head, and always were up for trying new things and listening to everyone. You'll always be remembered in EMS even far after you've left the community. Don't be a stranger, hop on EMS from time to time. Once again thank you for everything you've done and helping me get to where I am today. Ill keep this toaster running strong.

~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
"If you want real happiness, you've got to find it for yourself! Not wait for someone to give it to you!"- Asuka Langley Soyru

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Sad 😭 Bruh, you were Chief My Entire Ride throughout EMS, I just wanna say thank you for making EMS The way it is today and as well as giving me a shot at command. Gonna miss you seb : (


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*ahem* ... I will miss you extremely so, safe travels wherever the road takes you, and as always... EMS GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"This is exactly how I wanted to spend my night, endlessly spinning in circles while dancing" -Blackbeard Omi9 CMDR
SM in PD / LCPL in DS / SNR SA in FBI / OFC in SCU


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Damn wasn’t expecting u to leave after everything you have done for EMS when I was Reserves and then Reinstated back to EMS u will be missed lots, guess up side now ur SS New Director I wasn’t expecting that tbh aha! Congrats!

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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I am so sad to see you go but you kept saying all good things come to an end. But I don't understand how that applies here because you were an amazing thing so you shouldn't have come to an end. I can't wait to see what comes to EMS but I can't wait for you to come back to EMS eventually. You will always be Chief to me


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Roleplay: *Sips coffee*
*Sits down to read and type*

Sorry with the delay on the reply seb, but here it is.

It's certainly been fun and you've done amazing work for EMS. While I wish (and I'm sure people of EMS and FR want to say the same thing) to say DENIED, resign from SS and come back from EMS, that would be extremely selfish. 

I wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done and wish you best of luck on your journey with SS.


See you around,

StackableGold, EFR, 7501.


  • Thanks 1

"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure" ~ Bill Gates

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On 5/23/2021 at 6:08 PM, MiniEpic said:

nooo 😢 😭 

Bu anyways thank you for everything you did for EMS! 😞 


 | PD CPT | S.W.A.T SFC, FTO, Sharpshooter | EMS EMT | SCU CPL | Dispatch | SS SO |

| UMC LVL.3 | Senior Moderator |



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