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Security Branch Update (5/15/2021)


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1 hour ago, DooM Guy said:


Aint no way you think this is balanced. Look man, I know it sounds like I'm being biased and all but gensec you wildin. Arguably the weapon changes are fine it's the health and armor buff that are insane. You're giving a corporal as much health as a riot control and a armor buff?!??!? Enlisted are meant to be weak but not easy to kill either. You can't expect them to get better at pvp if you just buff their health and armor because they wont learn how to doge or run around cause they wont feel the need to. 
It's how lots of D-Class CC's and normal D-Class are really good at pvp. We've learned how to move around while in combat while still maintaing a good shot cause of our limited arsenal and minimal health.

I'm not gonna -support or +support this at all I just want my opinion to be voiced.
But hey, I main D-Class so my opinion doesn't really matter.
Anyways hope you guys figure something out.

The server doesn’t revolve around dclass mains and Gensec doesn’t need to be balanced only with dclass because gensec as a branch does more than just kill dclass. Gensec also fights CI constantly, with CI breaking into Dblock over 68 times a week and wiping out everyone. We have been logging the raids for this very update to prove the Buffs necessity. I can provide the data in the form of a google spreadsheet if you want. Dclass are not supposed to kill gensec easily, Dclass aren’t supposed to be balanced on the same scale that the combatant branches are, that’s why they aren’t on the charts above, they aren’t part of this equation. Dclass rp is important but so is research, and MTF Roleplay which both get smashed when Dclass break through dblock and then people complain about securities ineptness as if the members are the problem. This was not to help against Dclass, it was to put us back on balance with the rest of the combatant branches by the 25 HP and Armor window that each consecutive branch is meant to have. Not to mention you talk as if that changes much, 1-2 extra bullets to kill a CPL now “oh woe is me”. There is a sheet with a chart of every combat branches jobs and the HP AP they have. Each branches equivalent jobs go 25 up from Gensec at the bottom, to E-11 at the top. So yes I think it’s balanced, because we aren’t balancing with Dclass. I highly doubt you’ll notice a difference with the extra bullet or two you’ll need, and I doubt the Dclass with a wrench will notice Either because they don’t kill anyone anyway. Don’t stamp out the Buffs that Gensec is literally SUPPOSED to have. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying though. You minus support every branch update, it doesn’t matter what it is, you always have complaints to air. Which is fine, but don’t act like this is any different. We need to be balanced with the other branches, that is a fact and a cause needing no discussion. 

Edited by APE
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Ret. Security Colonel || Ret. Head Warden || D-Class High Council || Former MTF Alpha 1 'Red Right Hand' Juliette 69             

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1 hour ago, APE said:

The server doesn’t revolve around dclass mains and Gensec doesn’t need to be balanced only with dclass because gensec as a branch does more than just kill dclass. Gensec also fights CI constantly, with CI breaking into Dblock over 68 times a week and wiping out everyone. We have been logging the raids for this very update to prove the Buffs necessity. I can provide the data in the form of a google spreadsheet if you want. Dclass are not supposed to kill gensec easily, Dclass aren’t supposed to be balanced on the same scale that the combatant branches are, that’s why they aren’t on the charts above, they aren’t part of this equation. Dclass rp is important but so is research, and MTF Roleplay which both get smashed when Dclass break through dblock and then people complain about securities ineptness as if the members are the problem. This was not to help against Dclass, it was to put us back on balance with the rest of the combatant branches by the 25 HP and Armor window that each consecutive branch is meant to have. Not to mention you talk as if that changes much, 1-2 extra bullets to kill a CPL now “oh woe is me”. There is a sheet with a chart of every combat branches jobs and the HP AP they have. Each branches equivalent jobs go 25 up from Gensec at the bottom, to E-11 at the top. So yes I think it’s balanced, because we aren’t balancing with Dclass. I highly doubt you’ll notice a difference with the extra bullet or two you’ll need, and I doubt the Dclass with a wrench will notice Either because they don’t kill anyone anyway. Don’t stamp out the Buffs that Gensec is literally SUPPOSED to have. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying though. You minus support every branch update, it doesn’t matter what it is, you always have complaints to air. Which is fine, but don’t act like this is any different. We need to be balanced with the other branches, that is a fact and a cause needing no discussion. 

Ok I am sorry but can you like make that two sentences I can't read all that the words move for me 😭



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1 hour ago, DooM Guy said:

Ok I am sorry but can you like make that two sentences I can't read all that the words move for me 😭

TLDR. D Block isn't meant to be easy to break as D Class as it is disruptive to the rp in the server and this buff was made mainly to combat CI constantly  being able to breach D Block

[Just Apple I Suppose]


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2 hours ago, APE said:

The server doesn’t revolve around dclass mains and Gensec doesn’t need to be balanced only with dclass because gensec as a branch does more than just kill dclass. Gensec also fights CI constantly, with CI breaking into Dblock over 68 times a week and wiping out everyone. We have been logging the raids for this very update to prove the Buffs necessity. I can provide the data in the form of a google spreadsheet if you want. Dclass are not supposed to kill gensec easily, Dclass aren’t supposed to be balanced on the same scale that the combatant branches are, that’s why they aren’t on the charts above, they aren’t part of this equation. Dclass rp is important but so is research, and MTF Roleplay which both get smashed when Dclass break through dblock and then people complain about securities ineptness as if the members are the problem. This was not to help against Dclass, it was to put us back on balance with the rest of the combatant branches by the 25 HP and Armor window that each consecutive branch is meant to have. Not to mention you talk as if that changes much, 1-2 extra bullets to kill a CPL now “oh woe is me”. There is a sheet with a chart of every combat branches jobs and the HP AP they have. Each branches equivalent jobs go 25 up from Gensec at the bottom, to E-11 at the top. So yes I think it’s balanced, because we aren’t balancing with Dclass. I highly doubt you’ll notice a difference with the extra bullet or two you’ll need, and I doubt the Dclass with a wrench will notice Either because they don’t kill anyone anyway. Don’t stamp out the Buffs that Gensec is literally SUPPOSED to have. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying though. You minus support every branch update, it doesn’t matter what it is, you always have complaints to air. Which is fine, but don’t act like this is any different. We need to be balanced with the other branches, that is a fact and a cause needing no discussion. 


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+support security update 

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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6 hours ago, Alexxx said:


Have fun Security!

It’s ok. We’ll still kick Gensecs ass, no matter how many buffs they get 😈

With Best Regards,
CI R&D Deputy Director Of Operations

|| - Retired SCP-RP Event Team Leader || Retired SCP-RP Admin || -Retired CI R&D Head of Research||

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20 hours ago, APE said:

Gensec also fights CI constantly, with CI breaking into Dblock over 68 times a week and wiping out everyone. We have been logging the raids for this very update to prove the Buffs necessity.

The truth is that now dclass is at a great disadvantage but what Ape says is true, normally when CI reaches dblock it always ends up winning. But I still think there are some buffs that are not necessary.


                Former CI CPT|  Guts Mexican                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


                              “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

                               —Second Ideal of the Windrunners

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23 hours ago, MexicanGuy said:

The truth is that now dclass is at a great disadvantage but what Ape says is true, normally when CI reaches dblock it always ends up winning. But I still think there are some buffs that are not necessary.


D-class are not supposed to have many advantages.


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With me and Mary running the SKS, we know how easy it is to kill all of gensec without conflict. 

As of now, CI runs to D-Block without being called out and obliterates gensec, causing more shit for MTF when they cant send anyone to assist. 

Its never the gensec members that are the issue when they lose D-Block, its the sheer amount of D-Class and CI with weapons. When D-Class CCs (Yes, including me) start rioting, they can take out half of gensec without an issue before getting shot. 

These changes are needed


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SCP-RP: G.O.C MAJ | Alpha-1 SGT 'Rose' | Strike Team Hammer 'Goose'Event Team Member     

Retired: E11 LTCOL Omi9 MAJ Nu7 LTCOL OH3 | Senior Mod | Event Team Member



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-Support, armor and hp is ok in GENSEC jobs like NCOs or Enlisted, I wouldnt consider to add more hp or armor than they have because then you would need to boost Nu7 too, I think Nu7 and Wardens have to be like the jobs with most hp and armor if we are talking about Combatants (Im not including E11)

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3 hours ago, Franciscoo said:

-Support, armor and hp is ok in GENSEC jobs like NCOs or Enlisted, I wouldnt consider to add more hp or armor than they have because then you would need to boost Nu7 too, I think Nu7 and Wardens have to be like the jobs with most hp and armor if we are talking about Combatants (Im not including E11)

Nu7 Doesnt need a boost just because Security is getting one? Even after this update every single one of our jobs is weaker than the Nu7 counterpart. Also when you an OFC and you get 1 shot constantly by D-Class CCs it can often times get boring for them and cause them to leave, which hurts Security activity and Server activity. Also often times, when CI gets called out there already in HCZ/LCZ and GenSec gets obliterated, slight buffs across the board for GenSec should help us out alot. 

Edited by Sixx
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[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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