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Experienced Researcher Mark Robinson's Hazardous Materials Researcher Application


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Full Name And Rank?: Mark Robinson Experienced Researcher. Why have you chosen to pursue specializing in studying biologically hazardous materials?: because SCPs such as 035 and other such need to be tested on and understood completely for if they are not it could come at great cost to others. Have you produced any documents pertaining to biologically hazardous SCPs?: Yes just today actually it is in the discord the following document here is of the test that I did and this test has also been logged in the discord following this period is the complete detailing of my test and its results. I attempted to see if 035 could control 049-2 or if 049 could remain in control of 049-2, RIG unit 00 weiss and an MTF escorted me, only 1 class-d was used during the test and to begin testing on 035 we first needed a 049-2, I was escorted to 049 and he turned the class-d into a instance 049-2 and made him docile, we began to make our way to 035, we entered and opened the containment cell's doors we put the 049-2 instance in front of 035's case and had 049-2 put it on, it did and 035 upon contact with 049-2 had almost instantly turned him into a 035-1 and 035 was in complete control, 049's attachment to 049-2 had been completely severed causing 035 to have complete and total control and because this was 2 SCPs combined I dubbed it 035-A*, I asked with the MTF and RIG inside the room with me, questions such as "do you remember what happened before you put on 035?" 035-A responded with "yes I was a zombie*" 035 had made 049-2 able to communicate so I continued questioning it, "can you act of your own volition?" 035-A responded with "yes" 035 had made 049-2 able to communicate but was still saying mostly small or short answers to my questions and for my final question I asked "do you feel you are struggling for control?" just to confirm if 049 still had some semblance of control he responded with "no" meaning 049-2's link with 049 was indeed severed, SCP 035-A was then terminated and the test was ended. [footnote, zombie means 049-2 but 035 decided that zombie was a better term, 035-A dubbed by me is simply to make identification of 049-2 and 035 easier]

Edited by Mastertlf

Nu-7 Hammer Down Captain, Previous LR in Research, Professional Minge, Medically Diagnosed With Cringe, Sad boi

I Finally Retired


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  • Head Admin

Man that was not fun to read; Please work on your formatting.
Yes, you're active and participate in alot of testing; Whilst you certainly need to improve on your handling of SCPs(Which you are actively doing). 
I think you'll make a good addition.

Contact any research command online for your whitelist.

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