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Krampus's Backstory

The Krampus

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Name: Sinj "Krampus" Tachson

Sex: Male

Date of Birth : 28 BBY

Height: 6'5"

Eyes: Brown (red tint)

Homeworld: Generation Station Ceta IV (close to the Unknown Regions)


Occupation: 2LT, 69th Medical Corps, Imperial Army


Previous Occupations:
- 31st Battalion Engineer, Combat Pilot of a Militia


- Imperial Army Trainings Camp: Basic Course
- Coruscant Medical Academy: Surgery, Triage, Combat Wounds, GSW, Combat Surgery, Disease control
- Imperial Army Officer Academy: Partiall Officer Training


Medical Record:
- Loss of the Right Eye do to Lightsaber Wounds

    Prostetic Eye has been succefully added

- Loss of the Left Hand for an unknown Reason

    Prostetic Hand has been Succesfully added

- Loss of Right Lower Arm and Hand do to unknown causes

   Prostetic Arm and Hand have been Succesfully added

- Loss of Lower Left upper Body area do to Wounds recieved do to an Explosion

   Prototype Prostetics have been added Succesfully

- Recently released from the Gamma 4 Station in Sector 32 with replacements on the damaged body parts

  Basic Prostetics have been added Succesfully


Criminal Record:
- Multiple Murder Cases (None Confirmed)

- Theft of a Fighter in 2 BBY and destruction of said fighter


Psychological Profile, Performed by Dr /DATA_LOST/-_~


- Total Loyalty Towards The Empire

- Fearless of Injury and potential Death

- Cold blooded


- Mentally Unstable

- Partially Ignorant of Command Chain


- Arachnids

- Beeing Alone

- Cold Coffee


Born into a Basic Family on the Outerrim Station Ceta IV close to the Unknown Regions made the Life of Krampus quite boring and difficult, He pretty early though started having a immense sense of Imperial Pride and after he got out of Prison for his Earlier activits and after he payd off his damages done he did quickly join an Armed Militia as a Cobat Pilot, we would stay in the Militia for a while till he found out about smuggling activitys that he was unable to profit from and he left after he nearly died trying to get his share. He after that joined the Empire and Fought as an Imperial Trooper for Some Years before attanding the Academie again to Join 1st the 31st Battalion and later the 69th Medical Corps after he Recovered from his Wounds he has taken in Battles before that Day. After he joined the 69th he was placed on an ISD filled with a bunch of diffrent Troops meant to be an Elite Force the Empire could send in case something really has to be done quick, he really went up in his role thanks to that, sadly he was taken out of Service nearly do to getting Shot in the Stomach while in service and beeing out for a short time but rejoined the Service just a day after to keep the 69th running do to his emense self respect and ignorance of his Wounds. His Clear Insanity has given him quite a Reputation in the Imperial Army and in the Rebel Alliance which got him in trouble multiple times but he was able to escape any kind of attemp on his life or prevent attempts to get him out of the Army. Now he Just Remains a Wierd and Insane Medic you better not turn your back to.

Current Status of Krampus:

Currently, Krampus is in activ Service on Board of the [Name Loss], a ISD 2 class Warship deployed in Sector 14.2b. He currently is activ in the Work of Reworking the 69th Medical Battalion to form it into a better shape which surely will hold advanteges in the Future for all parties, he does have issues with illness and damage to his Body thanks to many instances one of which, beeing the latest one, having been cost in a Secret Mission he was send on for a while forcing him to Reserve and get put back to 1LT. Further information to said mission will not be made public and will reside in Data volts for the future times to come. His Personality seems to have changed over the cause of sayd mission which lowers his attitude and willingness for discussion, he said it had nothing to do with any of it but just with him seeing that this might be needed of of him to get the 69th back on its path.

He was in the Medical Station with many Wounds he got from fighting an unknown Animal on a recent Mission, he was unconcious thanks to the Medication and  did not return to the ISD for a while. Research into the attacking Animal and its properties is still ongoing while Krampus has been reinstated as 2LT in the Battalion.



Edited by MC R 2LT Krampus

Former CPT of the 69th Medical Battalion


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I love this back story

Imperial RP] Ex-Gamemaster| Ex-Starfighter Corps. Officer| Ex-Onyx Squad Officer| Ex-Inferno Squad Squadron Leader| Ex-Shadow Guard Officer VII| INO Chad. 
Retired-Nu7 1st Lieutenant| Ex-GENSEC Master Sergeant and Junior Warden| Retired-Chaos Insurgency 1st Lieutenant| Zeta-19| Epic Payday Gang(2nd ever)| Ex-A1 Guardian| Ex-Event Team Member.
"You are a quarter of a million strong, and you shoot well, but what if I showed of with 500,000 men? What would you do?" -Kaiser Wilhelm II "We would shoot twice, and we'd go home" -Swiss Militiaman

naruto shippuden GIF

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