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Jay's field research agent application repost

icee jay

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note the first time i posted this i was told i was unable to apply for command and RFA at the same time so now im reposting this I deleted the last one a while ago 

for ones who rather read on google docs  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DG2jfss9yALisBbmQXPTH-woXLQ1ZbFTQquPYBKv03Q/edit?usp=sharing

your name, and a brief description of your character.: Jackie Jay is a short and wild man in his mid 30s. Jay's mother and father died when he was a teenager. This triggers him to compress his feelings and to turn to science for comfort. When Jay was 25 he was intending a lecture at (REDACTED) university when SCP-(REDACTED) was spotted on campus. Jay quickie made a plan to contain the SCP. The foundation caught wind of Jay and offered him a job to take Class A amnestics. Jay took the job becoming an JR for site 05.

You have been granted clearance to recruit personnel of any department (that are of level 3 clearance) to assist in your operation, in an effort to diversify the plan.
Describe the team you would assemble, as well as your plan to capture the anomaly.: In my experience MTF E-11 makes the finest soldiers I have ever seen. With this being said I would pick two E-11 officers and one omi-9 SGT. The E-11 soldier is very flexible, able to adapt to any challenges that they may face. While the omi-9 soldier is for their amazing people skills. Being able to talk a problem down rather than brute force. The plan of attack is to hang back and watch from afar to study the anomaly. Trying to find it strength and weakness. I do not want to risk diving head deep and lose anyone one on my team. Researching then attacking the anomaly weakness.

After successfully executing your plan, you now have the anomaly in your custody. But despite the successful operation, you are then ambushed by a trio of CI, who demand the captured anomaly.
How will you defuse the situation?: Myself and the omi-9 will negotiate trying to come to a peaceful resolution. While one E-11 stays with us just in case the negotiations fail. The other E-11 will sneak away with the anomaly. This will be done by having two containment units with us, one with the real thing and one as a decoy.

After temporarily securing the anomaly into containment, you have been trusted to design its containment procedures.
What is your plan to secure this anomaly?: I would call in more researchers to aid in finding out what makes this thing tick. If for some reason I'm the only one on site to do the studies I would have one note pad to keep notes. Researching is the only way to find out how to keep the anomaly contained.

The old E11 CMDR Jay 


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-Professional & fun to be around


-Not a minge

Taking my chances saying we will both get accepted, but I would like to see you beside me and others on RFA!

Edited by Squash

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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7 hours ago, Squash said:


-Professional & fun to be around


Taking my chances saying we will both get accepted, but I would like to see you beside me and others on RFA!


"The first draft of everything is Shit" - Ernest Hemingway

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+Support  He is a Research Assistant Manager, and he frequently posts documentations of his observations during tests. I believe he will post quality operation logs.

Edited by Starstep
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3 minutes ago, Starstep said:

+Support  He is a Research Assistant Manager, and he frequently posts documentations of his observations during tests. I believe he will post quality operation logs.


SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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