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SCP-513 - SCP-500 - Test Long YKAI

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Test Lead:

Akura Ovaiss


Approved by:

Assistant Manager Hope



When SCP-513 is rung in front of one person, and SCP-500 is consumed by the afflicted person. Will SCP-500 cure the person of affliction?


Background Research:
SCP-513 is known as “The Cowbell”, but when rung, produces a dark toned sound, and a tall figure appears in the vision of the person/people who hear it. SCP-513 is mostly auditory, with some visual, so when SCP-500 is used, it should, in theory, be able to clear up any affliction with visual and auditory problems, such as the affects of SCP-513.



SCP-513, when rung, will produce it’s sounds and effects as usual, but when SCP-500 is consumed, SCP-513’s effects will cease.



1. D-Class rang SCP-513.

2. D-Class reported a tall figure behind Test Lead. As well as paranoia and nausea.

3. D-Class took SCP-500.

4. D-Class reported a cease of paranoia and nausea. SCP-500-1 still reported.


Analysis Checklist:

[X] Did the D-Class show any signs of paranoia?


[+] Did the D-Class (after taking SCP-500) point out any tall figures, as reported by various SCP-513 incident files?


[X] Did the D-Class attack any Foundation Personnel after being affected by SCP-513 and consuming SCP-500?


[+] Were all appropriate safety procedures followed by Security and Research Personnel?



- D-Class did not report any affliction of nausea after taking SCP-500, or paranoia.

- SCP-513 was still reported after SCP-500 was taken. SCP-513 is NOT an affliction.


Test Log - Documentation:


Author of the OFFICIAL Thing's Rangiatea is not Allowed to do at the Foundation (THRAF)

Former SCP-RP Staff, Event Team, Teamspeak Support Member

Current Riot Trooper Officer, Stormtrooper Sergeant First Class - ImperialRP

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Grade: 94%

Test Quality: Quality

Lore: 14/20

Good lore for your test. However not good background research about said SCP's

Creativity: 20/20

Good creativity for you test.

Presentation: 20/20

Good presentation for your log. 

Writing: 40/40

No errors found in log.

Femboy Hooters. No Cogs he's mine.

Omi9 2LT Lee JL6

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