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Anthony's Event Team Application


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In-Game Name: Anthony


What is your ULX Rank?:user

What is your RP Rank?:SEC JFTO JRCF SM/MTF Omi9 RCT 

What is your timezone?:EST

How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 9

Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): No I do not have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner

How Active are you? (1/10):9 (I have school)

How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 3 I think 

Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I think I would be good with events on the server and I’m pretty creative I have 4 events on my mind right now and I really want to be on the event team because it’s pretty cool to host an event so no one gets bored on the server. My free time is usually on the SCPRP server, so on the weekends I am usually on the server but on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I have school so I may not do events on the server on those days. I know a lot about the SCP on the server (not SCP 076 that much). SCP 106 the old man he likes young people so I will try to get them first. SCP 939 with many voices can talk in RP and cannot see you if you are not making sound (in RP to you and not die is to crouch).SCP 173 is a sculpture that cannot move when you like at it to kill it will snap your neck (in RP 5 sec it can if 3 or more it cannot move). (Do not now a lot about the SCP in the SCP job pack). SCP 049 is the plague doctor he makes zombies (SCP 049-2) talks about a virus called pestilence and will try to kill that person with that virus (RP researchers cannot be killed by SCP 049). SCP 035 is a mask that controls humans when they put it on the mask (controls you by doing a roll and gets a higher number than you). SCP 096 the shy guy gets made when you look at it’s our on a picture of I’m on it with face showing and will kill that person that seen his face. SCP 682 the hard to kill reptile can talk and likes to listen sometimes. 

Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):SCP Containment Breach event where everyone has to get out of the facility even security and every SCP is out of containment and d class and then e11 (other MTF count as e11) comes in the facility and kills d class and re contains SCP (For the event all scp door are broken).079 started the breach and the gates are locked the only away unlock it is to shut down SCP 079. Re contain all SCP or In 2 hours the site will get nuked and the event is over.(the first three people out of the facility will get something like a in game money our a gold rank). 

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?:Yes I did

What is your favorite SCP? Why? SCP 049 because he is like a human and just good then gets mad and kills and makes SCP 049-2.

Edited by Anthonyshark67
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First of all

I recommend familiarize yourself with the community before you apply for any administrative roles in the server.

It could be me but I have never noticed you on before.

You say that you are very active as you rated yourself 9/10. However, I have never seen you on before.

You only have 4 posts on the forum. Even though, it is not a requirement for you to have 20 + posts on the forum like the staff application. However, this just proves that you are not active either in the forum or in game as well.

To give you the benefit of the doubt, you are a SM in gensec. One of the highest rank in NCO (gensec).

Second of all, you did not answer the question "Why should we allow you to be in the event team" properly

You are just merely telling us how many SCPs you know. Furthermore, the event you came up is either very cliche or have been executed many times in the event team. This doesn't prove your characteristic of being "creative".

Lastly, your last question is very vague and boring. I know this can be some people's favorite SCP, but you could have at least give more effort on explaining why it is your favorite SCP or why you like the SCP due to its uniqueness.

Edited by Hope

osu! achiever? I don't know

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You are extremely inactive on OMI9 and in general and you aren’t very well known on the server. You rated your activity as 9/10 but I highly doubt that 

The event has been overdone so many times and every time there is a breach automatically E11 and Nu7 and OMI9 do their job so idk why that’s mentioned. You shouldn’t be breaching so many SCPs so as to cause a Nuke.

Forums activity is poor along with less than ideal ingame activity.

You are just naming off the most well known SCPs and knowing them doesn’t exactly set you apart in the area of creativity or just general knowledge of lore.

The last question is answered very poorly. I mean it’s understandable if 049 is your favorite SCP, but there is no effort on explaining why it is your favorite SCP.

Also side note: Dont edit your application

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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