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049-2, 049, and 012 Test


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Name: Dapper

Rank: Researcher

SCP: 049-2, 049, 012


-012: 012 is a piece of parchment paper with a song written in blood on it. When a subject approaches 012, they get an unbreakable urge to finish it with their own blood. The subject continues 012 until they have deceased from blood loss.

-049: 049 is a humanoid entity that resembles that of a medieval plague doctor. 049 is general cooperative with foundation staff, but becomes irritated when in the presence of 'the pestilence.' 049 will then proceed to 'cure' anyone determined to have the pestilence. 'Cured' subjects will be referred to as 049-2. See background of 049-2.

-049-2: 049-2 refers to a subject who has been 'cured' by 049. 049-2 has no form of higher brain function and is observed to be nothing more than a mindless drone for 049.

[TEST 1]

Question: Will 049-2 get the urge to finish 012 with it's blood?

Hypothesis: SCP 049-2 will, since it is a mindless zombie, not attempt to finish SCP 012.

Observations: Upon entering 012's containment chamber, 049-2 began digging at its skin until blood came running out of it. 049-2 then began writing on 012. After approximately 1.5 minutes,  049-2 deceased from blood loss.

Analysis: This is an incredibly valuable test for many different reasons. We learned that 049-2 does experience some sort of urge or calling outside of 049's direct command. Grant it, 012 is anomolis, but this shows that 049's grip can be broken through anomolis means. This discovery shows us that there may still be some of the human conscience left in an 049-2 instance, even if extremely minimally. Further testing required. This also shows that 049-2 requires blood to remain animate.

[TEST 2]

Question: Will 049-2's urge to complete 012 retain even if 049 gives a direct order?

Observations: Upon entering 012's containment chamber, 049-2 began digging at its skin until blood came running out of it. 049-2 then began writing on 012. 049 was then ordered to call off 049-2. 049 called out to 049-2, demanding he stop writing in 012. 049-2 immediately ceased  writing in 012. 049-2 was removed from 012's chamber and terminated.

Analysis: This again shows us a number of things. 1) despite 049-2 having the urge to finish 012, it cannot disobey a direct order from 049. 2) 012's cognitive hazard can be cancelled in some way. While yes, that way was a possible anomolis hive mind, it showed that 012's urge isn't invincible.

Edited by DrDapper
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Grade: (90%) A-

Test Quality: Quality

Lore: 20/20
This lore feels plausible and not too far out of what is expected.

Creativity: 20/20
This is a pretty good test idea, Im glad you went through with it.

Presentation: 15/20
The test log was a little bland, you could try messing with the fonts.

Writing: 35/40
Nothing really major as far as writing errors.

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