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SCP-173 No eyelid test


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SCP-173 Speed Test ; 03-20-2020




Items and materials involved: Small knife used to cut off the eyelids

Personnel involved: 1 D-Class personnel, 1 Gensec OFC


SCP: SCP-173




The purpose of this test is too see being physically unable to blink counts at cheating (for more information about my cheating hypothesis see 


SCP 173 would count a D-Class with no eyelids as cheating, and would move despite being looked at.


D-Class will have his eyelids removed by medical personnel

D-Class will enter 173’s containment, and walk up to him

D-Class is instructed to report any movement

D-Class will leave the containment and say whether or not SCP 173 moved.



SCP-173 was able to move despite being looked at. 

D-Class 11111  survived the incident and said SCP 173 moved whenever somebody would normally blink




As far as I can tell, this demonstrates that SCP 173 not moving while in line of sight is some sort of “rule” or “game”, and if you try to cheat, SCP 173 is still capable of killing you. Further research is required to determine whether or not other forms of subversion are considered cheating 



SCP 173 is not biologically required to stay still while in line of sight, it is something more akin to a game or a sense of honor, and removing eyelids does not work


Additional Note:

Requesting additional research to determine what forms of subversion work and what doesn't, or if any forms of subversion work at all.


After we went to medical personnel to get his eyelids reattached, they misheard us and removed his eyeballs. Upon questioning, he said he could fix it. He proceeded to burn the D-Class in the incinerator.


Thanks to trovdec for the template


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Grade: (A) (100%)


Test Quality: Quality


Lore: 20/20: lore is followed here

Creativity: 20/20: the test of removing the eyelids is new

Presentation: 20/20: the format has all required parts and more added.

Writing: 40/40: there is plenty to read and from multiple readings there aren't any obvious spelling or grammar errors, so congrats a perfect score.

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Retired Marshall


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