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cross testing between SCP-008-1 and SCP-049


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Name: Fish


Rank: AR


SCP: 049 and 008


List of Personnel involved in testing: 2 MTF 1 SEC 1 Medical personnel on stand by


Level D Personnel involved(if any): One D-Class


Question/Preferred Outcome: The question I am trying to answer is if someone is infected with SCP-008; Can SCP-049 cure the infected personnel of the disease. what I am hopping would happen is that SCP-049's cure would override SCP-008's disease.


Risks/Safety Precautions: I had 2 MTF, 1 SEC, and 1 medical personnel on stand by. in case things went south I had the MTF AND SEC there to terminate any instantiates of SCP-049 and/or SCP-008 and the medical personnel to reason with SCP-049 if it has infected anyone


Background Research: I know that SCP-008 only have 2 cures consuming SCP-500 (placenta), or using SCP-427 witch is slow and not right away although SCP-500 is a effective cure it is a limited resource. and 049's cure is effective and (so far) infinite it would be a great source of a cure.

Labor/Work being used: 049 being used as a cure to 008


Observation: although SCP 049 tried to cure SCP-008-2 it did not work


Conclusion: SCP-049 is not a cure to SCP-008

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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity: 15/20 

Pretty sure this has been done before, however i cant remember where i have seen it.

Presentation: 5/20

Pretty basic presentation. Nothing special. Also, you lost points because the observation section is so short. you could have had alot more.

Writing: 35/40

Some grammar errors


TOTAL: 75/100

Grade: C



Former DHOR Tomato

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