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How do the muscles/bones of SCP-049-2 adapt/change to suit its needs?

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Lore Name: Javier Herrera
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 049-2

Question / Idea:

How do the muscles/bones of SCP-049-2 adapt/change to suit its needs?

Background Research:

SCP-049-2 is a reanimated instance of a dead body. SCP-049-2 has basic motor functions and basic response mechanics. Instances of SCP-049-2 don't seem to retain any memories. SCP-049-2 is extremely aggressive and will react with physical violence when SCP-049 is removed from the room


If we manage to understand the changes that SCP-049 does to SCP-049-2 we can use this to create a stronger security guard force. I believe that the substances that SCP-049 injects into SCP-049-2 contain a high amount of steroids capable of increasing drastically the muscle mass. I also believe that another substance that SCP-049 uses with its "patients" might contain high levels of calcium along with other mutagenic substances that speed muscle and bone growth


After providing SCP-049 with a healthy D-Class he immediately started "curing" the subject. SCP-049 seems happy with the subject, remarking that "the patient seems to be in a good physical state. If we would have let more time pass the pestilence would have corrupted him". The new instance of SCP-49-2 had 1 extra arm attached, this arm came from SCP-049's bag. When being questioned what else there was inside the bag he didn't answer. SCP-049-2 seemed to maintain a humanoid form, however certain bones such as the: Femur, fibula, humerus, radius, and ulna suffered tumorous bone growths. The corresponding muscles of the affected bones also expanded, this provided SCP-049-2 with an increased damage endurance on the limbs along with a higher strength

Analysis / Conclusion:

 After doing several tests on SCP-049-2's blood, in search of steroids or high amounts of calcium. The test was inconclusive. The growth of the limbs might be to prevent them from being torn off and resulting in the immobilization of SCP-049-2. There was no growth in the skull of SCP-049-2. It would be advised to keep an eye on the skull as the growth patterns seem to be random, altering from one subject to another. After the inspection SCP-049-2 was then terminated and cremated

 Hypothesis Correct?:

The hypothesis was incorrect however we can provide help to SCP-049 in the way of providing him with more test subjects. This would allow us to see if there is a correlation between the growth in muscles and bones with the subjects. We should also try to obtain a diary from SCP-049, it might contain the name of the substances used. This could potentially allow us to refine them and use them in creating a super soldier




Xray of SCP-049-2 humerus depicting a bone tumor 

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