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SCP 999 Interview

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Clifford directs 999 to a small keyboard 

Clifford: 999 there is a keyboard, please use it for the entirety of this interview 

999: Rsrchr 

Cl: I see you know what i am

999: am blb

Cl: i can see you have picked up on a basic form of english, interesting 

999: do u hve candy

Cl: Yes i do but please continue the interview. First question, what are you?

999: am blob

Cl: what do you think about this place

999: is fun, i get many candy and pets

Cl: do you have any friends here? 

999: yes, eyeball man and fish man are my friends along with big scaley

 Cl: By big scaley do you mean 682?

999: who?

Cl: Nevermind, let’s just continue. What is your favorite candy?

999: neco wafer

Cl: and your least favorite candy?

999: meat candy

Cl: Do you know why you were created?

999: to spred happyness. i came from joopitir

Cl: Jupiter? You came from SCP-2399?

999: gurgling happy noises

Cl: Do you have a name?

999: blbby

Cl: Do you have anybody you don’t like? 

999: no i luv evrybody

Cl: Do you have any relatives?

999: ys. have many brothers and sisters on joopitir

Cl: 2399 Has a population of 999s? Weird. Anyways how did you get here

999: big metal pod

Cl: Ok 999 you gave us some very interesting answers so you may get your candy and leave 

999 swallows the bag of candy whole and makes many happy noises



Creator Of The Clifford Test

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