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SCP-096 + SCP-999 Cross Test

Tai Lopez

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Lore Name: AR Lopez
Rank: Associate Researcher
SCP: 096 + 999 [Permission granted by H.O.R. Weiss through discord]

Question / Idea: To what extent does SCP 999's abilities suppress SCP-096's emotional distress when someone looks at him? Are they enough to prevent him from killing someone that looks at him?
Background Research: SCP-096 is a Euclid class SCP. It is a 2.38 m tall humanoid figure with major deformities, little muscle mass, and very disproportionate arms. It is usually very docile, but when someone looks at it, it experiences MAJOR emotional distress and will stop at nothing to kill them. SCP-999 is a safe class SCP. It is a large mass of orange slime. Its intelligence is similar to that of a cat or dog. SCP-999 has a playful attitude whenever it encounters someone. Direct contact with SCP-999 induces mild euphoria, and SCP-999 is known to have calming abilities similar to that of anti-depressants. Everyone who encounters SCP-999 is happier than before. In one instance, SCP-999 was able to induce extreme happiness and laughter in SCP-682, a Keter class SCP that hates all life.
Hypothesis: Given SCP-999's extreme calming abilities, I predict that SCP-999 will be able to fully suppress the emotional distress SCP-096 experiences when someone looks at him, thus preventing SCP-096 from killing them.

Observations (What Happened During Test): This experiment was supposed to be conducted by three D-Class, but one of them disconnected. To start, I had SCP-999 use his abilities to attempt to calm SCP-096. At first, it appeared to work, as SCP-096 became calm and even petted SCP-999. The first trial involved me bringing a blindfolded D-Class into SCP-096's containment cell. SCP-096 completely ignored the Class-D's presence. I removed his restraints and blindfold and ordered him to look directly at SCP-096. Despite SCP-999 using his abilities on SCP-096, he immediately shifted his focus from SCP-096 to the D-Class staring at him. SCP-096 lunged away from SCP-999 and killed the D-Class that was staring at him.

I conducted a second trial where I asked SCP-999 to calm SCP-096 again. I then proceeded to bring another blindfolded D-Class into the containment cell. Just like the first trial, SCP-096 completely ignored the Class-D entering the room. I removed his restraints and blindfold, and ordered him stare at SCP-096. SCP-096 slowly shifted his focus from SCP-999, and he just stared at the Class-D for a while. He hesitated for a few seconds and then killed the Class-D.

                                             1ST TRIAL:
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 


                                              2ND TRIAL:




Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The trials did indicate that SCP-999 does have an impact on SCP-096 to an extent. When SCP-999 uses his abilities on SCP-096, he completely ignores everyone else. Without SCP-999's presence, SCP-096 would usually immediately become alerted to anyone that enters his proximity. However, SCP-999's effects are ineffective when someone looks directly at SCP-096. As shown in the second trial, SCP-999 may be able to make SCP-096 hesitate for a couple of seconds, but after that SCP-096 kills the person that looks at him, ignoring SCP-999. This suggests that while SCP-999 calming abilities are extremely effective, as previously shown by the cross test of him and SCP-682, SCP-096's emotional distress when someone looks at him exceeds SCP-999's capabilities. Therefore, using SCP-999 to calm SCP-096 will not protect others if they look directly at SCP-096.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that SCP-999 would be able to prevent SCP-096 from killing others if they were to look at him, but SCP-999's calming abilities are not enough.

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Grade: Quality [ 95/100 ]

Lore: 20/20 - Reactions and events were lore-friendly.
Creativity: 15/20 - Not that extravagant of an idea, but seeing as how the execution was done in-game makes it a lot better.
Presentation: 20/20 - Great usage photos to provide evidence. The format followed and looks nice.
Writing: 40/40 - Writing was in-depth and there were no major errors. The background research being done was a good touch.

Keep up the great work!

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