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"Wouldn't it be funny if I just fucking slay 682?"

-Gio 5 minutes before the incident, in teamspeak.


Dope event and thank you for including me in your test log!


Founder of Aperture Science | Retired Head of Research | Retired Event Team Leader | Current Metal Head
Secure. Contain. Protect.

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SCP-662-2 Test

Score: 76/100 

Grade: C+

Lore: 5/20 

The analysis and conclusion directly conflicts with SCP-662-2. In his case file, it clearly states he is limited to what he can do. The rest of the trials follow his lore well, however.

Creativity: 20/20

This is actually the first 662 test I have seen, and it is a creative one at that.

Presentation: 16/20 

Would have liked some pictures for reference. Also the basic format just copy and pasted into a google doc.

Writing: 35/40

Somewhat short in each section, otherwise no grammar or spelling errors.


SCP-682 Termination Test

Score: 81/100 

Grade: B-

Lore: 10/20 

See reasons above in 662-2 test grade

Creativity: 20/20

Definitely a creative idea to try to attempt to terminate 682.

Presentation: 16/20 

Would have liked some pictures for reference. Also the basic format just copy and pasted into a google doc.

Writing: 35/40

Somewhat short in each section, otherwise no grammar or spelling errors.

Weighted Grade

Score: 78/100 

Grade: C+


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