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SCP-049 INTERVIEW (LOG-04911120-I)

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SCP-049 Interview (1/11/20)

Test performed by: Dr. Shaw with assistance from Dr. Protege and 2 Mobile task force units

----------BEGIN LOG----------

Dr. Shaw: Hello SCP-049. I'm here today to interview you about what you perceive the "pestilence" to be. Would you be able to answer this?

SCP-049:  "The pestilence is the disease that rides in all humans but they can not sense it,  but I can."

Dr. Shaw:  "In a past interview you said that it is in some people and is not in others. So that is a contradiction. Please answer honestly"

SCP-049: "Some humans it has not activated yet.  As in the guards behind you, the pestilence grows, You are not one of this virus"

Dr. Shaw: "So you're saying it lies dormant?"

SCP--049: "Yes the cancer of the cell."
Dr. Shaw: "How will you "cure" it?"

SCP-049: "My cure, is not perfected yet. You never die, my child, you are reborn pestilence free."

Dr. Shaw: "Still. What is the process?"

SCP-049: "I inject them with a serum, that cures the pestilence and turns them free of it. I have the touch to free them of the pestilence, but it is faulty at times."

Dr. Shaw: "Alright that is all."

----------END LOG----------

Note from Dr. Shaw: Well what 049 said didn't answer my questions at all. At least he didn't get mad. I might try to perform this interview again sometime. Either way, we didn't learn anything new. 

Oh Shit! A Rat!

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Grade: Standard [ 80/100 ]

Lore: 20/20 - Reactions were lore-friendly and didn't push any borders.
Creativity: 10/20 - Happy to see an interview on the returned SCP. I like the idea of the serum, but figuring out the pestilence has been already attempted a lot.
Presentation: 10/20 - While this format wasn't bad. The official format is in this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bzkwxJ_hp_xph1ZQAvsbUeqQ9nP4NMPOLO9UlQY-ePU/edit?usp=sharing
Writing: 40/40 - Grammar and spelling are on point.

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