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SCP 096 [Labor]/Nov 1, 2019


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Name: Geeman 


Rank: LR 


SCP:  096 


List of Personnel involved in testing: myself LR Geeman and JR john and  MTF Ray and Ori 


number D Personnel involved(if any): 2 


Question/Preferred Outcome: utilizing my 096 control helmet can I make 096 do slightly more advanced task, also wish to confirm my complete control of the entity. 


Background Research: 096 is a indestructible humanoid that kills whatever looks at its face. prior testing with this device has yielded great results. This follow up test is to confirm the devices effectiveness and determine if 096 can complete more complex task and its response to certain scenario's. 


Risks/Safety Precautions: Due to the nature of this test GENSEC personnel could not be allowed to be utilized at the risk of a security breach. As a result MTF were used instead to maintain secrecy. Hazmats were also utilized per standard safety protocols. 


Labor/Work being used: 096 control device from prior test and experimentations. 


Observation: After the devices initial success several weeks ago, I decided that another test was in order. The prior test confirmed the device worked and that basic commands and functions were possible with it. But I wanted to go a little bit further. After contemplating what exactly I wanted to achieve with this test, I went about making the necessary preparations for it. First I obtained MTF escorts as a information leak of the devices existence would lead to disaster. Next I made sure that a CC of appropriate size was obtained, in this case 194's CC as the SCP was off site for the time being. And finally, a pair of D class to conduct "hazards duties." With my preparations completed, I ventured into the HCZ with my escorts and D class in tow, and secured 096 for the test. Once we were at 194's former CC, I had one MTF and my JR assistant remain outside while myself, the D class, and the 2nd MTF remain inside the CC. I ordered the door to close and both of them to observe from the observation room incase anything went wrong. While this may have sounded a little reckless, I felt it was necessary in order to insure that the results would not be altered by the presence of too many people, and to minimize any possible casualties. after fitting the device on SCP 096's CC, I had one of the D class released and unblindfolded by the MTF, initially he did panic at the sight of 096 but was told to calm down and reassured that the creature would not harm him. He relaxed and maintained compliance. When that was settled I activated the device and removed the cloth mask wrapped around 096's face. As before, he did not attack any personnel who gazed on his face, my MTF guard also made a disdaining remark regarding the entities features that I felt didn't need help. To start the test the D class was instructed to hold still while the MTF gave him a minor cut on his arm and at my request put his First Aid kit on the ground. 096 was then instructed to pick up the aid kit and apply the bandages to the D classes arm. SCP 096 complied and managed to pull out the bandages between his fingers, but did not seem to understand what to do with them and simply threw them at the D class several times before being instructed to stop. This was followed by a comment I made to the MTF guard stating sarcastically that he is a medical "Protégé." The MTF who was also a combat medic that he still wont be out of a job any time soon. The test was continued with a game of Hide and seek. So, the second D class was also released and both of them were instructed to hide in a random spot while 096 was instructed to look at the wall. When both of them were hidden SCP 096 was then instructed to search the room and find them. SCP 096 found both of them immediately. "Note: It appears that despite the devices ability to control 096, it doesn't repress his ability to instantly find individuals that gazed upon its face." Due to a request for my presence at another location I unfortunately had to shorten the test and finish this experiment with ordering SCP 096 to throw one of the D class in the air and catch him before he hits the ground. This is were I admit I blundered, SCP 096 threw the man straight into the ceiling with full force smashing his skull and catching the corpse startling everyone. He was immediately ordered to stop, the D class was killed instantly and its corpse was left for CC personnel. This was the last experiment for this Test, as my presence was need elsewhere, I instructed my assist to oversee the MTF as they returned 096 to its CC, and that the D class had his memory wiped before being returned to D block. Test concluded. 

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This was a great test to assist on.
The results shown are quite good and can be helpfull. But in my eyes its not a longterm solution as if something happens to the control helmet then SCP 096 will go back to his old self and that would be very bad if we count on this equipment.

But its definitely a good solution till we have a way to terminate SCP 096 completely.

JR John Buck.

Username: Stryker

Status: Resigned

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