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939 - 966 Cross Test/Nov 1, 2019


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Name: Geeman 

Rank:  SR 

Clearance Level: 3 

List of Personnel involved in testing: myself SR Geeman, and MTF units: Samm, Doctor, Mystic, and Ori. [Note: for security reason real names were not given ]

Level D personnel involved: 1 

SCP: 939 - 966 

Errors and/or safety hazards: Tranquilizers were utilized as well as D class in order to minimize foundation casualties. Hazmats were also used per standard safety protocol. 

Question: 966's potential future uses for the foundation and possible test by Utilization personnel. 

Background Research: 939 and 966 are both pack based predators, albeit 966 instances are also loners are occasion they have also been known to travel in groups and work together sharing their "Prey" 939 is the same but rarely is ever encountered alone in the field. The combat related capabilities of each will make this a interesting test. 

Hypothesis: Although 966 is capable of taking down human sized prey it has a fragile frame and relies on weakening a opponent over days before it feels comfortable to attack, it is also not as resilient or enduring as the 939 instances, as such a forced combat scenario will not to be its immediate advantage. 

Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): "ERROR" "FILES CORUPPTED"  

Analysis and Conclusion: After obtaining permission for such a test I spent the next few days planning what I wanted to do. SCP 966 and 939 Cross test have been conducted before and the idea of reviewing them did come up before I made this request, but unfortunately the test lacked the specific details I required to make my determination on what is the next step for 966 in the research. Initially research on how to utilize the SCP have resulted in some major breakthroughs and finds, most notably the natural cloaking ability serum that I created some weeks ago. While it was far perfect, it was good enough to spark some interest which allowed me better access to resources and materials for further test. but after that initial discovery, interest and support for further experiments on 966 began to dry up quicker that I expected, as a result research was slowed down. So, I resorted to a slightly drastic measure of a Keter cross test. Obtaining permission for such a test was somewhat of a challenge as such test had already been done before, but lucky the files on these test lacked the necessary details that command was looking for and permission for the same test was given to me under the pretense of updating the logs. However even though it was not said this was also a test to see if 966 was worth any more of the foundations time and money. Permission to utilize several of the instances for the test was denied for security reasons much to my disappointment. The instances were strongest when working together and having only a single one of them take on a 939 was... well it doesn't matter now. The thing didn't need to win it just needed to put up a good show because truth be told I was just as curios as High Command as to wither or not 966 is worth any more time and wither or not I should move on to different projects...

The test began after a debriefing was given to the involved personnel. due to the dangerous nature of the test, regular security personnel could not be used without a increase chance of casualties. As such members of the MTF Nu7 were called in and given instructions on how to deal with the instances. One D class was appropriated from his cell for the test and we began obtaining our SCPs. the 966 instances were easily obtained from their CC without incident and put in a crate that was taken to 939 CC. Along the way the last of the MTF arrived who was also their commanding officer who gave green light for the test to begin. After tranquilizing the 939 instance the D class and 966's box were put in front of its CC door and ordered to enter dragging it along. When ordered to open the box the D class was initially hesitant but complied and released the instance which was already awake. He panicked and hid underneath a piece of railing close to the door demanding it to be open. His yelling however also woke up the 939 instance which was very convenient as it saved us a adrenaline dart. the 939 instance saw the D class first and rather predictably dragged him from underneath the rail and tore him to pieces in a few seconds. At this point the 966 had already cloaked but was being constantly observed by MTF personnel and myself with Thermal optics. 939  also appeared to be someone aware of the instances presence as it stopped feasting on the D class and began to seemingly "Look" at it surroundings, as expected the 966 instance continued to use it natural stealth capabilities to avoid being detected by the instance and might have also used its REM sleep jamming ability on it. wither or not it will have any effect on the 939 instance will have to be discovered at a later date. 966 managed to avoid detection for several minutes but 939 was relentless in determining wither or not it heard or felt something before killing the D class. 939 attempted to use its mimicking voice ability to try and see if it can bring out the unknown intruder, but this failed to achieve any results. I was prepared to order the MTF personnel to try shoot in the vicinity of the 966 instance to force it to react, but at the same time 939 froze and glared right at the spot that the 966 instance was standing. it seemed contemplate for a minute or so before leaping right at 966. 966 managed to avoid the initial attack and even deliver a counter attack of its own, but while doing this it lost its cloak for a slit second confirming 939's suspicions. 939 attempted to once more attack 966 but lost track of it again. It began circling it cell making no noise while it did so. " Note: for future reference and cataloging the fact that 939 ceased making human noises showed it was able to understand its ability had to affect on this entity. this may indicate a higher level of intelligence than previously thought " during its circling the 966 instance was observed going into a corner by foundation personnel and continued to observer 939, after about 20 seconds of waiting 966 crept on 939 and struck it with one of its blades, but 939 was prepared for this and swiftly counter attacked 966, the attack left one of 966's arms unusable. However, despite the damage sustained 966 did not appear to bleed cry out in pain and simply returned to its cloaked state. 939 was also injured with two lacerations on its abdomen, both of the cuts were severe and bleeding, but like 966 939 gave no indication that it was in pain and resumed it circling pattern. 966 went to a different corner and stayed their observing 939 for another two hours. During this time its wounds began to regenerate and after around 88% of the injury was repaired it resumed its attack on 939 who was still injured but not regenerating. 966 this time attempted to strike its face but instead resuming its cloak it followed this attack with several more seeming to catch 939 off-guard and forcing it to give ground. When 966 attacks ended it attempted to reenter its cloaking state, but 939 pounced on it before it could completely cloak. 966 was able to avoid the pounce but not the series of cuts that 939 was lashing out in its direction after it achieved its full cloak state. 939 continued its attacks and each time it felt it was hit something it stuck even faster at the same spot and when it felt nothing it attacked even  more rapidly in all directions hitting 966 before it could leave its range. Eventually 966 gave up on trying to hid and began to retaliate against 939. Both of them came head of at each other with 966 preparing a strike to 939's head. As its strike began to fall on the charging 939, 939 turned its torso slightly to the right while also standing up on its rear legs at the last moment. 966 strike missed, and it also appeared to have put its full force into this strike and so lost it balance taking a involuntary step forward to balance itself. This blunder gave 939 its chance and it came back down turning its head and engulfed all of 966's head its it mouth past its neck reaching the center of its chest. it lifted the  966 into the air while it struggled and thrashed blindly at 939's head and neck with its blades to no avail, 939 went on its rear legs again and brought itself back to the ground with 966 and loud crunch. 939 threw the instances corpse at the wall and gave a loud animal roar that was reported to have been heard throughout the HCZ. In order to prevent any unexpected side effects from consuming its corpse, 939 was tranquilized by MTF personnel and taken out of the cell under armed guard back to a neighboring CC temporarily. the 966 corpse was removed and slotted to be put on ice for future analysis by any personnel that was interested that are interested. The D classes corpse was left their to be removed by CC personnel. 

Do your results align with your hypothesis?: This test has shown that while not a master fighter by nature. 966 does possess basic intelligence and learning ability capabilities. It is my recommendation that testing and experimentation be continued on 966 by utilization personnel to discover more potential uses for this entity. If it can tell the difference between a real and fake human voice, and when to retreat and regroup before attacking again, it can learn other things. Also 939 also showed us some interesting traits about itself that also warrant further investigation. Test Concluded. 

Edited by Geeman
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