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A Magical Chair


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The story of SCP-J-20047

It was a peculiar fall night. Junior Researcher October, clearance level 2, had just finished his testing of amnestics and other drugs on SCP’s. All of a sudden he was filing paperwork when SCP-106 walked up and grabbed him dragging him into his pocket dimension. That incident report was a story for another time. 

Jr. October struggled with all his might to escape the PD. Finally, after he escaped, an MTF [REDACTED] unit carried him back to the medbay. Inside the medbay there were no medics on duty. This was clearly because they were lazy and had clearly all gone home early for a night of drinking as they were not as dedicated to the foundation as Jr. October. 

The MTF [REDACTED] laid the Jr. down into a wheelchair and began the process of wheeling him back to the research bunks, but suddenly the MTF agent had a bright idea. Why, an injured researcher is worse than no researcher at all he thought, so he dragged him off to the incinerator. The Jr. was placed incident the incinerator yet the wheelchair protected him from his burns. The MTF unit got upset and decided to throw a grenade at the Jr, but to no avail it seemed that October was invincible. 

Finally, the MTF decided to shoot him. As he fired the first bullet, October let out a scream. The MTF paused and realized this. The wheelchair was an SCP, designated SCP-J-20047. 

Further testing is required to prove the authenticity of this SCP, but so far, it will remain classified as a Euclid class until further testing is done to prove it can be contained safely. 

My one concern is that this chair was made by wondertainment and will end up destroying the foundation. 

Edited by October
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