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M1918 BAR and PSG-1 Nerf - Accepted


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So after me and Fool did a late night Weapons test, I set my health to 1000, no armor, the M1918 did 600 damage in one clip, and the Sniper did similar damage. I understand only a certain CC has it, but that is OP for a weapon.

+Support, the weapon doesn't need to be a 40 damage weapon but it does need balancing.

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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On 9/29/2019 at 10:17 AM, Weareinfected said:


I don’t really understand the point in nerfing this...

CI if their lucky get about 7-8 people on a day and this little boost in power wouldn’t hurt. 

CI are not very powerful when raiding; this little boost in power won’t hurt, you have been contacting numerous people about this weapon update and I wouldn’t be surprised if your adverting this to other MTF.

MTF on a luck day can get upto 15-20 people and they are EXTREMELY powerful in numbers compared to the 4-6 CI raiding. Not only that but there are new guns added to the armory which allows you to get just as powerful weapons to fight them even though you have numbers and health.

NU7 Heavy JUST got a buff and they are as equally powerful as this CC if they buy their weapons.

A lot of the MTF jobs are just as powerful as the CC with or without the nerf.

I feel CI could really use these weapons to help enhance their play style now that it might not be immediate death at Gate A.

Not only that but it’s a CUSTOM CLASS not everyone has access to it.

Its much easier to defend than it is to breach, when 7-8 CI are rushing through a doorway at a time it’s very easy for a crap load of MTF to just mow them down. Not only this but they have to breach and bring things out with them during a raids which renders their ability to get in and out. 

The minute CI/CC are known in the building it’s goto EZ, when you have about 10-15 MTF online and some are patrolling EZ and spot CI the rest just pour into EZ and just outnumber CI in many ways.

I seriously can’t express this enough, the armory is open, MTF have numbers compared to 1 CC, it’s not easy to breach a 1 way in and a 1 way out building.

Again, Major -Support.

The Juggernaut is pretty OP too and I find that nerfing weapons that a person paid for to be on their cc is not nice 



SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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I would like to say another thing about this. 
The PSG-1 addition was NOT approved by SMT, and it can be nerfed if necessary.
The main issue is, if these weapon(s) don't get nerfed, more people are going to try to put them on their custom classes, eventually obsoleting all other weapons on the server.
It doesn't matter if the weapons are paid for, the FAMAS and one other weapon was paid for on another class and got nerfed. 

lol, lmao even

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