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Add Ford Explorer to GOV Vehicles. - Denied

[GL] Game Theorist

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What do you want to see? - A (marked) ford explorer added to the car dealer for PD and State. (We have one, but it is unmarked and very few have access to it.)

Why should we add it? - A full sized SUV for rookies is not only more realistic it would hold up to modern day police vehicle standards.

  • Police Departments in the US are using SUVs than sedans for their lower ranking officers.
  • Lower ranking officers currently have no SUV options as of now. (In PoliceRP)

3. What are the advantages of having this? -

  •  More realism
  •  More options for lower ranking PD and State Troopers other than sedans.

Who is it mainly for? - All PD SNR+, And State Troopers TROOPER+


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