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Incident 049-69

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Name: Illager

Rank: Associate Researcher

Clearance Level: 2

Date of Incident: August 21, 2019

Describe the incident: Illager was testing the intelligence of a person who is turned into an instance of 049-2 who is then turned back into a human by 049. 049 "cured" and then subsequently "turned back" the D-Class (who has been identified as Gamer Supreme). However, when Illager attempted to retrieve Gamer Supreme, 049 became abnormally uncooperative. 049 got out of its pen and started running around the containment area, turning Gamer Supreme back into an instance of 049-2. Gamer Supreme neutralized Illager before being terminated by Illager's RCF escort. Since 049 was incapable of leaving the containment area, Mobile Task Force Nu-7 helped RCF recontain 049.

List classes of SCP(s) involved: Euclid

Immediate complications due to the incident: 049 was acting belligerent, Illager was unable to provide support due to Gamer Supreme neutralizing him

Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): 049 may remember this test and hold a grudge towards Illager or RCF Operative [REDACTED]. 

Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): Recontainment efforts were made immediately by RCF, Nu-7 provided support.

Resolution towards incident:  Recontainment of SCP-049.

How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Medium-level danger, as 049 could've terminated either RCF operative [REDACTED] or Illager

Extra Information: [DATA CORRUPT]

Professional minge, PhD in shitposting. Research Manager,  Hammer Down Private. Also known as Gutsy.

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