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SCP-049 Test


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Lore Name: Pocket


Rank: Researcher II


Clearance Level: 2


List of personnel involved in testing: JR Researcher John, JR Researcher Taco, MTF Nu7 FTO 1LT Youtube FL3, MTF Nu7 PVT Solid Snake PT12


Level D personnel involved: D-7543 and D-9864


SCP: SCP-049


Hypothesis: if SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B (And every other SCP-049-2) listens to every single order that SCP-049 gives, and SCP-049 tells SCP-049-2 to fight (In a WWE style) will they listen is the question. I want to see if SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B will fight if ordered to do so. I want to see if this will end with no fighting or a fight that’ll maybe or maybe not be in a WWE style match.


Observation: We put D-7543 into SCP-049’s CC and SCP-049 instantly went for D-7543 and ‘cured’ (Infected him and made him into SCP-049-2-A) him into SCP-049-2, which I’ll refer to that SCP-049-2 to SCP-049-2-A. So after waiting for SCP-049 to prepare for his next ‘cure’, we put D-9864 into SCP-049’s CC and, surprise surprise (not really), SCP-049 ‘cured’ them into SCP-049-2-B. Once SCP-049 ordered them to fight, SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B actually started to fight each other at the start, the fight was for 10 minutes and then SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B stopped fighting and was being hostile towards Researchers and MTF that was watching. So, we cuffed SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B and so, both Nu7 executed both SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B, SCP-049-2-B was un-cured by SCP-049 but we killed him anyways just to be safe.


Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos):




Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP-049 tried to get out multiple times, SCP-049-2-A hit me a couple of times, chaos in general.


Conclusion: SCP-049-2 will listen to SCP-049 when it comes to fighting allies, now, this test was confusing since I don’t think all SCP-049-2s will listen to SCP-049 to fight another SCP-049-2. I will continue testing with this to confirm if SCP-049 can order SCP-049-2 to fight another SCP-049-2 but the Conclusion in short is this: SCP-049-2 will fight at first but will either keep on fighting or stop attacking the other SCP-049-2.




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