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[SCP-049-02] Anatomy comparison


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Name: Bongo Bunions

Rank: Researcher I

Clearance Level: 2

List of Personnel involved in testing:

- Bongo Bunions (Researcher 1)

- ShyGuy (Junior Researcher)

- 2x MTF Security Escort


Amount of D class involved: 1


SCP: SCP-049 - SCP-049-02


Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP-049-02 was incinerate due to biohazard.


Question: What does the “Cure” of SCP-049 do to the anatomy of a D-Class patient


Background Research: SCP-049 has a “cure” in which turns a living entity into some sort of zombie. 


Hypothesis: The SCP-04-02 will have a deteriorated brain, as well as festering organs.


Observation: Upon administering the “Cure” onto D-class, we respectively made sure SCP-049 was not a threat and subdued SCP-049-02. Upon investigation these were my findings;


- Heart: Deteriorated beyond belief, seemed to have a heart rate of about .02 bpm.


- Liver: Non existent


- Lungs: Lung capacity seemed fine, but showed no movement. The SCP-04-02 requires no oxygen to live and therefore seemed almost immortal unless stopped by force.


-Rib Cage: Almost looks torn open, but seems that many of the bones lost structure upon reanimation causing the deterioration of the calcium structure.


- Intestines: Large intestine seemed to be constantly dripping gunk onto the floor as the intestine was out of the body disconnected from the base of itself. Large intestine still seemed to be inside the body but was festering and seemed to be dissolving.


- Muscles: seemed to be larger than normal and protruding out of skin. SCP-049-02 seemed to be extraordinarily strong compared the non-cured D-class counterpart. 


Visual Stimuli (Photos/ videos): N/A


Analysis: SCP-049-02 Seemed to have diminished organ functions, but muscle seemed to be extremely enhanced. SCP-04-02 is a very dangerous entity and should be avoided at all costs. 


Conclusion: SCP-049-02 showed large deterioration in most parts of its body.


Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes


Edited by iBox
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