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[SCP-049] D-class Emotion Test


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Name: Bongo Bunions

Rank: Researcher

Clearance Level: 2

List of Personnel involved in testing:

- Bongo Bunions (Researcher I)

- Silver3504 (Junior Researcher)

- MTF Nu 7 RS Fish (Escort)


Amount of D class involved: 2


SCP: SCP-049


Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP-049 went ballistic after a couple questions and infected both D Class patients. 

Question: Will SCP-049 react when asked questions about what he remembers. When getting a lead on a question, delve deeper into the question to get a negative emotion or response.


Background Research: Gathered 2 D-Class prisoners, and them took down too HCZ. Upon investing, it showed that SCP-045 did not remember much of its past and only knew very vague or broad memories. 


Hypothesis: SCP-045 will have little to no memory on events of its past, and if it does, even the toughest of questions will not invoke an emotional response


Observation: Upon testing, the 2 D-Class were ordered into the cell. We had our MTF officer there ready for any defiance. When the MTF officer released the prisoners and left them with 049, we asked a series of questions. Questions involving its past such as; "who does he remember, what does he love, who does he miss". The only question he answered was “Who does he miss”, upon which he said “Them”. When answered I responded with deeper level questions stating that “Them” are dead and gone, and will never be back. SCP-045 still showed no emotional response until I went deeper and exclaimed that whatever happened to them was because of it-self and problems that it created. Upon stating this SCP-045 went rampant running around the cell screaming until he finally infected our two D-Class patients and ordered them to attack. Our MTF officer fought off the two infected and were later incinerated in the chambers. SCP-045 was put under heavy lock down until further notice.


Visual Stimuli (Photos/ videos): N/A


Analysis: SCP-045 showed EXTREME emotional response to certain questions about him


Conclusion: SCP-045 shows very little emotion, but has extreme reactions to certain triggers.


Do your results align with your hypothesis?: NO

Edited by iBox
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