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Test of SCP-999's Gel.


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Name: JR Patterson

Rank: JR

Clearance Level: 1

Date of Incident: 7/29/19

Describe the incident: D class 7532 was taken into a chamber containing SCP-999. The D-class was given a small dosage of NASAIDS, which caused him extreme nausea. After a packet of Candy M&Ms was distributed to SCP-999, a small amount of gel was taken from SCP-999's body, approximately 1 inch by 1 inch in length. After the D class consumed the gel, he immediately showed signs of improvement. After digestion of the gel and a physical exam, The D class was taken back to his cell.

List classes of SCP(s) involved: SCP-999

Immediate complications due to the incident: None.

Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): None.

Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): None.

Resolution towards incident: It's possible the gel of 999 is not only benificial to emotions but the physical body aswell. Due to this conclusion, the use of 999's gel as a form of instant medicine should be pursued.

How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Extremely low.

Extra Information: None.


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