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Senior Moderator Danny Muller's Application

[GL] Kanny

Should I Be Accepted??  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I Be Accepted

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    • No

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Name :
Danny Muller

Steam ID :  

How old are you? :
I am 15 Years old

Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) :
I am currently at the rank of Senior Moderator

Have you Donated? If so, how much? :
Indeed, 117 Dollars i believe

How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) :
I have been staff for 1 Month and a bit

What is your general knowledge on the rules? :
I know the rules well, I use to be Senior Admin on the server, After coming back i went though the rules multiple times

What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+) : 
If i was to join the event team I could bring a New perspective and opinion on the events, I like to think myself experienced in Event teams as i am a Ex-Game Master on our Clone wars server and i use to organise and execute events on a Dark RP server called Xanath-Gaming There i learned how to host events as well as work in a team, I use to be on the Event Team for AnimeRP, There i was the event team leader. I hosted multiple events professionally and maturely, There for I believe i can bring Experience in to the team as well as Maturity and professionalism, I believe my self to be active not only in game but active in teamspeak and on the forums (Currently my posts are around 1,300) and I am in the teamspeak 12 hours a day, Therefore I believe i could be a Active, Mature, Experienced Member of the Event team.

How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) :
I currently have 3 warns

Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+) : 
I would like to join the event team to benefit not only the staff team but the community as a whole, I am currently in BST which means prime time for us there is not many event staff, I would like to change this by increasing activity in BST, I feel if we have more event staff on for these time zones we could increase our player base as well as the number of events daily, If i am to join the event team I would like to Increase the number of Event staff on at certain points the day, I also feel joining the event team is a perfect way to give back to this wonderful community. I have a great relation ship with current members of the event team and i feel like if i was to join I would benefit the event team in a positive way

Edited by [GL] Kanny

Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
Ex. Admin - Clonewars Ex. Admin - DarkRP 

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