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Steam Name:wolfgang

 Ingame Name: look away go away

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/wolfgang8899/

Ban Length: 5 weeks and I think 5 days

Admin that Banned you: it was hos in scp

Reason for Ban: apparently DDOS threats


So I get banned for DDOS threat bc you know im definitely gonna download a virus to my pc I may be 13 doesn't mean im stupid so call DDOS threat on me ok cuz now I get perm banned from teamspeak. you really think I can DDOS well ok as you can see im young why would I DDOS on a beautiful server that I loved until I get banned from the server by a admin and I was told by th3 he doesn't ban for no reason well listen here I got banned for no reason bc ik it says DDOS threat but how could I even find that im pretty sure DDOS is a hack so if I looked up DDOS download im not gonna find it bc im pretty sure the internet people have brains and say oh this is a bad thing I should take it down but im not gonna waste my time to looked up a hack to apparently quote on quote wipe them off the internet is what th3 said to me im pretty sure.


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