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Interviewing 527


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FIle Name: 8315-6
Date: 4/29/19
Requirements: Comfortable furniture, 527, voice recorder

*voice recorder clicks on*

Dr. Arussso: testing testing, hello 527 my name is Dr. Arussso I will be interviewing you, do you mind if i ask you a few questions?
527: I don care
Dr. A: Can you tell me about your past?
527: pretty normal child hood, never got made fun of as a kid but i felt left out
Dr. A: Did that effect you mentally
527: Nope, im pretty happy the way I am
Dr. A: Is anyone else in your family like you?
527: nope im the only fish guy with 19 siblings
Dr. A: What about your parents
527: Only know my dad and he's human
Dr. A: Now the top hat you wear, is it attached to you?
527: nah I just like it
Dr. A: Now about that suit, is it a human body or-
527: It's a normal human body, the head is the only weird thing
Dr. A: Does the head take a toll on you or does it make you feel unique?
527: I don't know, since i was born with it I was forced to have it. Never thought about it like that
Dr. A: Have you ever shot a gun?
527: Yeah but i ain't that good
Dr. A: Well that's all we need for now, you can leave.
*Shuffling of feet are heard, voice recorder clicks off*
                                                                                         (End of recording)

Aight I don't approve of this

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