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SCP 173 and SCP 966 Test log

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Lore Name: Dr. Clef (Spookie)


Rank: Foundation Dr


Clearance Level: 4


List of personnel involved in testing: Me, a Medical Doctor, a Technician to setup the camera, and an MTF.


List of materials: x4 Thermal goggles, x1 Thermal Camera broadcasting what was happening for review and able to broadcast the 966s.


Level D personnel involved: None


SCP: 173 and x5 966


Hypothesis: If 173 cannot see the 966’s then it can still move freely


Pre Test: The MTF moved SCP 173 inside of 966s cell, he released ordered us all to look at 173 while he released it. Once SCP 173 was free he ran back outside of the cell and we shut the door. I instructed everyone there to look away from the glass. After some time about 3 minutes we took 173 out of the chamber.


Camera Footage: The following is written format of what happened as the camera footage was [Data Redacted].

//----TEST BEGIN----\\

1:00: MTF agent moves scp 173 into the chamber.

1:30: MTF agent released 173 and quickly moves out of the chamber.

1:45: Dr. Clef (Me) instructed everyone to look away from the chamber glass.

2:00: SCP 173 is standing still, SCP 966 pay no attention to it.

2:28: SCP 173 remains still, a SCP 966 notices SCP 173 and starts to slowly approach it.

2:30: The other 966 instances do not pay attention to the 173 while the 966 still approaches

2:34: The 966 is right up in front of 173 and starts to pace around it.

2:39: 173 suddenly Snaps 966s neck having 966s body uncloak and fall to the ground. The sound of the neck snap alerted every other SCP 966 instances which quickly turn to face SCP 173.

2:40: SCP 173 appears in front of a 966 farthest from the group closest to the containment chamber door.

2:48: The 966 closest to the containment chamber door backs into a wall and gets cornered by 173.

2:49: 173 Snaps the 966s neck and its neck, and then turns to face the other 966. The 966s then enter a panic state one 966 runs up to the glass and begins to claw at it attempting to get out. The other 966s a male and a female run to the side of the room farthest from SCP 173.

2:50: SCP 173 starts to approach the 966 clawing at the window making it claw at the window faster, this broke its claws but despite this SCP 966 continues to try to get out. The 966s shift themselves to the other side of the room.

2:51: SCP 173 continues to approach the 966 clawing at the window, this triggered a “Fight of Flight” scenario within the 966 where it decided the best cause to stay alive would be to fight. The 966 then charged SCP 173 uncloaking and attempting to claw it despite them not having claws at all. The 966 attacks leave no visible damage to 173 swiping 4 more times before a loud crunch was heard. 966 drops dead on the floor.

2:52: SCP 173 approaches the 966s and they dash to the otherside of the room.

2:54: SCP 173 turns and continues to approach teh 966s the 966s attempt to escape clawing the glass the 966 did before.

----At this point I decided to stop the test----

2:53: I told the MTF to get ready and i'm about to open the door they move over to the door and I open it. The 966s run towards the door and hide beside the MTF agent not attempting to kill them.

2:54: The 173 sees its escape and gets to a point behind the guard the medic turns around and sees 173 and alerts the MTF. The MTF successfully captured SCP 173 and begin to bring it to its own containment chamber

//----TEST CONCLUDED----\\


Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): [Data Lost]


Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP 173 got stuck on the door while we tried to move him out the technician suggested closing and opening the door we did that and the door was fixed allowing us to bring SCP 173 back to its containment.


Addendum: After the Test I went to log my findings I was uploading the footage to the foundation database when [Data Expunged] causing the footage to be lost. Because of the SCPS lost the remaining 966s have been assigned new names, with the Male 966 being assigned the name 966-1 and the female being assigned the name 966-2


Conclusion: while my hypothesis was proven wrong I have discovered that the 966 SCPs have a higher self preservation then I thought and also cannot establish a threat as easy and fast as other SCPS do like the SCPs 939 how they want to avoid 682 and how 682 wants to avoid 173 but this could be marked down as past experience I imagine. The 966 will even go out of the way to side with their prey in escaping danger when 966s hid by the door to avoid SCP 173 or what could be when the SCP was clawing the door they could have been attempting to get out attention. I’ve also discovered that 966s have a closer pack bond then I expected attempting to protect another from danger. Which I will further attempt to study at a later date.

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This is what i would consider one of the most Quality test here, This is what most Junior's should try to aim for. if they even have 1/2 of whats here they would have a Quality test.

Extremely detailed observations

A well-planned test

The only issues i have with the Test is the Hypothesis. Keep up the great work Spookie!

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