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Ems app


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IG Name: BigJohnny

Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198341632562/

How many warnings do you have: 29

What departments are you in and what rank: PD SM 

Why do you want to be EMS (150 Words Minimum):I want to be EMS because its a fun department and I miss roleplaying as EMS, I left a while ago but now i want to join the department and stay apart of the department. I miss reviving people 24/7  and its fun RPing with people when they get revived.  I feel like i would be a good addition to ems as i am very active and dedicated to the departments that i join. I really hope i am accepted because i miss this department. the people inside that department are fun to play with aswell. I have lots of freinds in this department that make this department even greater. If i am accepted I promise to stay active and follow all SOPS and guidelines. RPing as EMS is really fun to play as when theres a lot of shootouts because I want to help  people in need of medical assistance. 

Who recruited you? (Put N/A if nobody did) N/A

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