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New Job Format/Suggestion?


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Hi u may seen or know me as Banker Ecott or NSSF Ecott 578 etc, and I would like all/any support I could/can get with this idea of having Security Job Role as a government Job or a Job with access to get backup from the government and to respond and this job being is having A Security Guard Job for The "The Bank Of Rockford" etc, ive had a issue/debate/questions about this a thing implemented before and said and mentioned about it and like to get this word SPREAD out if possible and make this such a thing happen and possibly work!?!?

Reason Ive wanted/suggested is this, gives the Bank more of RP Opportunities for more RP Sciernos etc cuz ofc right now u just have the "Banker" Job for the bank thought maybe there can be a security for the bank as a job aswell implemented cuz in past when I was a banker before ive hired people to work for bank as security and are dressed/played as VIP/VIP Thiefs etc ofc then changing their Job RP Name to "Bank Of Rockford Security" etc but apparently that's not really allowed as such from the past expierence of doing this??? so that's why I want/would like to make this a actual thing to do and be and give more rp situations and sciernos to do if and when Bank Thiefs or any other Job as criminal comes into bank and trys to rob the bank etc with bit more RP dealing with the bank security aswell as the bankers been taken and then held hostage along/among side any of the security that's been taken hostage if they haven't already shot and killed them all etc but yh and heres a playermodel id like to suddgest and possibly use for this possibly job if its been done and made official and id be more then happy making this job having Requirements to Join by myself of the person suddgesting this idea and if it does procced and is accepted and can work, also Requirements from the staff team to maybe allow then people to use it or something or anything etc?


Please Please spread this around to everyone would be much appreciated and helpful and nice to make official and getting +supports

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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