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Laureline Rose - Player Report


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23 hours ago, gamikzone said:


I dealt with the issue last night of Laureline was hiding in a corner and appeared to be in the wall. 

Bobby brought it to my attention and I told her this is not allowed and gave her a verbal warning for prop abuse.

It was in a way prop block because the fading door had no keypad.

I don't know why you would continue to do it when you know it was not allowed and I spoke to you about it.

I dont mean to argue but It had a keypad and when did i do it again? I stopped that stuff when this player report was made. There was also an arguement of how you knew i was in the room. Due to the fact that you couldn't see me and I couldve left. So some other people argued that was metagaming on that same day. I really just want this player report stuff to be over with. Im stressing out and can barely sleep because of it. Ill apoligize again to whoever's Rp i ruined so please just punish me already.

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I just would like to say that all of this is because @Laureline hid inside of a vending machine ?

So relax, take a breather, give her a verbal warning and call it a day. 

Like dang some people could be so hurt for someone doing something like this. If I encountered this, I would laugh and wouldn’t care much about it. 

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33 minutes ago, snookiebear said:

I just would like to say that all of this is because @Laureline hid inside of a vending machine ?

So relax, take a breather, give her a verbal warning and call it a day. 

Like dang some people could be so hurt for someone doing something like this. If I encountered this, I would laugh and wouldn’t care much about it. 


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There is a lot of escalation in this post, however, just because someone hides in a simple vending machine, does not make it an arguable topic. A verbal warning will be issued. 

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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