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Lil Family & Yobo

Tom Brown

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For the past 2 nights as staff, i have been getting calls after calls from the Lil Family(You know who you are) about FailRP/RDM/Etc by SWAT/FBI/PD. While some of them were true and corrective action was taken, most of them were about the same person, Yobo. I saw what happened at the beginning of all this stuff, Yobo was BSI, the Lil Family and some others were surrounding him (Copbaiting) and some might of had guns out(might of been on safety but still), Yobo backed up towards PD where the huge group also followed to, by the parking lot exit.  Yobo warned them to step away multiple times before shooting. I believe it was this that started everything else, the Lil Family was minging and putting up signs degrading Yobo for RDM etc. The minging continued way too far and i thought it was handled the first night. Now, the second night, they are still holding grudges against him or vice versa and it comes in between roleplay. Anytime they get raided/killed by him(or really anyone) an admin is called to find the smallest thing they may have done wrong(im talking like if they are told to leave they literally step back one feet and say they are on public property) . I do not have anything against the Lil Family or Yobo, i try to be fair to everyone but the Lil Family went too far by changing their names/using text screens to degrade Yobo. The Lil Family, your credibility goes down when you are calling admin for literally everything when we are swarmed by other calls and you want us to fix a situation that has to do with a hate towards someone. I do not mind helping you guys out, that what i am there for, but please do not bring up stuff like Yobo is doing this because hes salty that we killed him earlier etc. I have spoke to Yobo and he is not doing that, so please just move on and be friendly towards each other.

I may be wrong about some of this, but that is what i have seen the last 2 days. My suggestion is to move on, and be friendly towards each other. This is a game we are here to have fun, not to degrade people to the point where its kind of harassment. 

Lil Family i have been giving you guys verbal warnings for breaking rules because of everything that is going on and i do not want to take sides, but if any rules are broken it will be a warn. This also goes for Yobo(if you did rdm) or anyone else playing on the server. 

I hope we all can be friendly with each other and have a great time out there. I apologize in advance if i said some things in this message which are incorrect, i am just using what i saw. Thank you for understanding.

~ Staff Tom Brown (Thieffy) ?

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Complete agree with this post. Holding grudges over small things shouldn’t happen and they definitely shouldn’t  interfere with role play. I happened  to be on staff last night and tonight and witnessed all the stuff going on. I couldn’t go 5-10 min without an admin sit with the Lil family. I am not here to bash you but just to simply tell you to calm down. You are wasting the admins time that we could be using actually helping people that need it by finding excuses for an admin sit. I don’t mind admin sits, it’s my job, that’s why I’m there, but not everything has to be a sit. Please just move on from the past situations and I hope to see a change in your family.


-Staff Tim

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