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Crimsons Stupidity


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About a week or two ago i made my resignation to Gaminglight as i was grounded and would not be active i was very upset that day and made a very stupid and immature resignation which got me banned for the forums i understand i will get hate for this but im doing this to say something for all T-Mods value your position as a Staff Member be better then the person you where yesterday and never make a stupid mistake like i did being staff comes with a lot of maturity and responsibility and i blew all of that do not end up like me strive to be better and greater. Being staff is a rare opportunity that takes Patient and time  and I should of been more mature and well thought out before posting my resgination im sorry to Alsher and Snar 

for being a immature staff member. but i shall thank them for giving me a second chance for the community thank you for your time


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yeah we all make mistakes but you should get back on Leader

SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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