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Kitty's COL Application


SEC 1st Lt. USMC Hugo Stiglitz' Senior Command Application  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become Major?

    • Yes
    • No

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Name: Kitty

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:125944720

Current rank: Major

How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : Since the 1st of February

Rank Wanted: COL

How many warns do you have? 1 warn

Do you have a Working mic? No I don't

Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Nolan, NoOne


Why should you be promoted? : I feel that I should be promoted because I am an active member of the Gaminglight community. I joined August/September time 2017 and have spent my time from then up to now working my way through the pd ranks. I would say that Government is my most played job with me doing a regular 1/2 Hours on the daily. Out of all the departments I've been in I've always stayed loyal to Police No matter what! Every time I login, I check TeamSpeak to ensure that every officer is where he/she is needed to be into.

Usually, there is a report or some sort of question/query that some officer has and I always respond to those who need help answering them. Coming up to 2 months of solid play time (except for 1 week which was LOA) was put into my Major time and I would like to expand whilst being on Col. With me becoming COL comes with responsibility which I feel I am ready to receive. I'm fluent in rules and not a minge making a good Low command member with 1 single warn

. Now I must admit I didn't use to take OFC'S with me a lot, but now If I see one just sitting in pd I will ask them if they want a ride and show them where important stuff on the map is like DOC and bank etc. as well as training them to RP. I'm also active in TeamSpeak and on the forums daily so if there would be an issue I would be contactable. I would say I'm good at commanding as well as enforcing orders on PD as if it's to pair up with a partner to reduce lag or simply to just block of the bank road. I am a friendly person in the community but when i’m needed to be strict and enforcing I can and will be. Helping out people on the server makes the community a better place, and If i can help as many people as possible, then why wouldn’t I! Thank you for reading my COL Application, it means a lot to me that you spent 5 minutes of your day helping me improve me RP experience!


You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes


my Timezone is GMT (Uk)


Edited by Kitten
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-good application

-been MAJ for a while now

-1 Warn

-fit for COL

Good luck!

Former Lieutenant/Deputy Sheriff 1S-44 

Former ARU: Breacher (Trojan 7)

Former S.W.A.T Corporal

GamingLight Admin

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-good application

-been MAJ for a while now

-1 Warn

-fit for COL

Good luck!

Huge +Support

-Knows what to do it stressful situations

-Friendly to all


-I wish you luck Kitty!!!

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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-good application

-been MAJ for a while now

-1 Warn

-fit for COL

Good luck!

LT Forrest 1A54 | SGT Trooper Forrest 1T54 | SWAT SGT Forrest XR01 | SS VCDMR Forrest XS54 | Sheriff SGT Forrest 1S15




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