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Steve's NCO App


Should Steve be an NCO?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should Steve be an NCO?

    • Yay
    • Nay

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What is your name?:


What is your rank?:

Senior Aviator

How long have you been an Enlisted?:

This would be 2nd day

What rank are you applying for?:


How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?:


Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?:

I've been entrusted with a role of an officer a little more than a month ago. I did transfer out to ISB:IA where I am currently the rank equivalent of a captain. I'm also an active GM so trust shouldn't be an issue here since I have already proven my competency. I know what to do in this rank and I will strive to execute my duties to the letter.

What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?:

Currently, SF needs members more than anything. I want to get the rank so I can immediately start hosting tryouts and get the new members in. It is very vital for SF's "health" to get the recruitment process up and running as soon as possible due to the current state of this unit.

What is the main purpose of an NCO?:

Generally speaking, NCOs are the backbone of any unit, holding everything together from falling apart like a house of cards. Their responsibilities lie with babysitting the enlisted personnel, which includes guiding them through their journey in SF; making them soak with all the information and necessary training so one day they can become the best versions of themselves. NCOs are also a translation tool between the brass and your common grunts. COs plan for things to happen, NCOs and Enlisted make things happen.

General responsibilities would include training pilots, recruiting new pilots, maintaining order in the unit which also includes ensuring that the SOP is being abided by, being a guide for new members, handling tasks given by COs or authorized personnel, maintaining a positive image of SF, serving as eyes and ears for COs - since NCOs are the ones dealing with Enlisted the most, the amount of information they can gather on how the unit functions is pretty sizeable, and the feedback they can provide invaluable. Last but not least - resolving internal conflicts between their subordinates.

If you were to see multiple Enlisted messing around on the job and trying to get others to join them what would you do?:

Many tools at my disposal allow me to deal with this situation. First and foremost, I'd try to talk to that person to determine whether we can end it with a verbal reprimand and/or a PT or if we will have to escalate it further. I'd call Shock to deal with the problematic trooper in case of further insubordination and breaking imperial laws. Depending on the severity of the infractions, informing COs may be in order for them to escalate the situation and possibly issue a strike if they deem fit.

Throughout this entire interaction, I'd try to figure out where the unacceptable behavior is coming from. It'd help me figure out whether this person even cares for his position in the SF or if he changes outfits like socks the second he feels fire under his a... Bottom. With that figured out, it'd be easier for everyone to determine the final solution that would close this case shut.

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?:

Yes, I do.

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Please see an AO+ for your training!


Current: Wing Commander Willow [Major]
 Former: Shock LCPL & Shock PFC, Shock 1LT, Shock SPC 501st PFC x2 & 501st LCPL & 501st SPC Medical Corps PVT, Purge SGT, ST PVT, Apprentice II, GMII, Moderator Formerly known as Kold

Join SF Today, Fly Ships, Conduct Engineering!

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