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Alpha's Death Trooper Officer Application


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How long have you been in your current rank?:

 5 Days, Nearly 6 at the time of this application


What experiences in leadership do you have?:

| My experiences in leadership within Gaminglight include, but are not limited to: |

IC VCMDR Sev, Purge LTCOL, SF Senior Aviation OVL Rexlar Breath and many more.


Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum)

There are many reasons that I would like to be an Officer within DT and I will go over a few within this section. The first reason I would like to become an Officer within DT is to help assist DT with there daily and weekly needs for whatever they may be, I have done my best when it comes to activity and recruitment in DT and have done all I can to solve issues with other battalions as they come up. I try to keep DT in the best shape when I'm on and love getting DT active in both events and guarding. Even better when we host sims or trainings with DT, I try my best to apply each DT in there position within the battalion to where they should be so it may suit there best needs, weather they are a seeker, Ti-23, Sarlac or a regular DT. Each person hold a special role and I would like to be able to give them the best experience while also trying to assist them in any way I can, even if they are a higher rank I will give advice and assistance as needed and if they ask for it. This is so that each member no matter there rank may be the best they can so that we can secure a good future for the Death Trooper Battalion.

Another reason I want to be Officer as I previously stated is I love helping others, this is shown by me being in Staff and is actually the reason I applied for staff to begin with and later applied for the Support Team within Gaminglight. I try my absolute best to assist those in need even if they aren't in my battalion or are just a normal or casual member within the server or Gaminglight itself. I truly believe that in order to be an Officer you have to be will to help others, from my experience this also goes and ranges all the way up to Command and HCOM as well. If you aren't here to assist others and to better the battalion as a whole I don't understand why someone would want such a prestigious position such as an Officer within Death Trooper or any battalion to begin with. Another reason I would like to become a Officer within DT is that I want to help DT reach it's peak as it did in the past, I want to see DT hit the player cap and the server to be at 60 or even 70 member average like it use to be. I think that starts with the Officers in both this battalion and others, they are the pillars for what we need to have a active, respectful and committed battalion. This goes multiple way, Members of DT to CMD Team and the CMD Team to it's battalion. It even extends to other battalions and players. I would like to become a Officer so that I may assist with this, no matter how small it is, a change towards the right direction has to somewhere and I think it starts with the Officer Core. These are a few reasons that I would like to become an Officer within DT. Although I would love to rant on and on about this, I want to keep this at a minimal length for the sake of others to read as not to clog up this application. If you are wanting more information about this I would love to speak with you, please contact me!


What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum)

To be honest, there are few things that make me stand out from my peers as I couldn't ask for better people to be around with, they all do a fantastic job, given this though I will try my best to list a few. Some things I think make me stand out over  my peers is how I can handle situations involving members of our battalion with other members within and without. This also includes staff and gamemasters alike, whenever there is an issue I try my best to resolve and at the end of it I also ask they to contact an Officer or higher ranking member within there battalion and within DT so that it may be fully resolved if they don't feel like it has been resolved enough. I have tried my best to handle these situations and contact those that are needed to be contacted. Another thing that I hold in high regards, but doesn't make me stand out fully as the other NCO's do a pretty good job of it being Respectful and professional. I truly believe that there is a time to mess around and to minge a little, but there is a time for the utmost respect and professionalism.

I feel I can best represent this when I was a CMD member in the Imperial Commandos with Rusty and Core I had to learn this line, I also had a mentor(Wes) that helped my learn this line and nearly perfect it in my humble opinion. I know for a fact that I know when and where to do both of these and to what extent it should be done, I have also learned very well how to intertwine the both to a point to where you can be respectful, professional and still have quite a bit of fun. I feel that when becoming an Officer to you need to know the fine line with this aspect and area, especially within DT where most players don't join as they think it's boring. I want to change there mindset and how they think, we should be able to have fun, be respectful and professional all at once within DT. This has been shown in the past and a few times during my time in DT, I truly believe that in order to bring DT back to it's prime we all need to know this line and need to be the best we can. This is why I think I standout in this area, I have been on both ends and in-between both areas, this is why I think I'm very well acquainted and informed in this topic and area. Because of this, I wish to help and show others they can also do this!

Which 2 Maj+ Gave Permission:

DT Major Jpackis/F16 | DT COL Salt/SC01

Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position?


Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion?


I would like to thankyou for taking the time to read my application and thanking those of you who also responded to it.

Edited by Alpha0

Current - DT VCMDR AL0 | Admin

Retired Staff -  Senior Moderator | Gamemaster V

IC VCMDR 12-7 Sev | Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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Alpha obviously has a ton of experiance in leadership positions and he had been doing great in DT!!

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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Hell yeah

And not because you +supported me. Bro had my back since day 0 and he puts 110% every time he can play. Despite not being able to stay on 24/7, he outperformed a lot of people with tryouts. He's also alright when it comes to leadership and clearly has previous experience. Hope you will make it!

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