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Additional tools for GMs


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What do you want to see?:

I want to add 9 additional tools for GMs to utilize while building and running events to make event making even easier.

Why should we add it?:

I believe that it is important for GMs to have quality-of-life tools available to them when preparing an event. It reduces the time it takes us to build event locations and makes it so we can do it even better than we normally could without some of these tools. Making event set-up easier and quicker will lead to more events being hosted since it takes less time to prep something up. But that's not everything. These tools can also be used to make events more immersive because of their capabilities.

What are the advantages of having this?:

Normal players wouldn't notice anything except for improved quality of events. For GMs, it saves hours of work and lets us make builds even more impressive.

◂ Easy Bodygroup Tool

Lets us change bodygroups of players with a toolgun. Useful for setting up event characters because right now you cannot change bodygroups after using !setmodel command.

◂ Smart Weld

Lets us weld props together more effectively. Also contains area-weld that speeds up the welding process immensely. Useful when we want to make sure we don't accidentally move a prop out of its place and ruin the whole build in the process since welding prevents a prop from being moved unless the object it is welded to is also unfrozen. Trust me, that happens way too often, especially when building on 200 ping.

◂ Sub Material Tool

Renders traditional material tool obsolete and provides ability to change individual materials of an object. Want a different texture for eyeballs? Sub Material Tool lets you do that!

◂ Model Manipulator

Lets you replace object's model with another. You can swap models of NPCs for something that wasn't made an NPC like some models in the content pack. Basically !setmodel but in a toolgun.

◂ Ladder Tool
Lets you spawn functional ladders with a toolgun. Ladders can be of any height.

◂ Prop Shadow Remover

Sometimes props bug out, causing them to be unusually darker. This tool fixes that.

◂ No Collide Everything

Lets you no collide anything with everything. Useful when moving large objects around with a physgun. I'd say second most useful addon on this list.

◂ Extended Spawnmenu

Lets you browse sounds and materials in the spawnmenu. Crucial for sub material tool since with this addon you can grab materials' paths.

◂ Smart Snap

Basically an advanced precision move. It snaps an object on a grid to another object for extreme precision building. Also saves a lot of time while making your builds clean-looking. Most useful addon on the list imo.

Who is it mainly for?:

GMs and JMTs / SMTs

Links to any content:

Easy Bodygroup Tool [Click]

Smart Weld [Click]

Sub Material Tool [Click]

Model Manipulator [Click]

Ladder Tool [Click]

Prop Shadow Remover [Click]

No Collide Everything [Click]

Extended Spawnmenu [Click]

Smart Snap [Click]


Edited by Manio
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