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CeCe Lieutenant Application


Do you think I deserve LT?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think I deserve LT?

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    • No

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Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant 


In-Game Name: CeCe

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199679429062/ 

Current Rank: SM

How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 Weeks as of today

What timezone are you in?: Central 

How many Warns do you have?: 0

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I am a reliable and trustworthy person; I am not biased; and I am always there to help those in need. I am capable of maintaining a professional attitude while still having empathy when dealing with any situation. I am usually very active. I am a great teacher and a positive influence for our peers and fellow officers. I follow the rules and handbook word for word. I think hosting meetings sounds pretty exciting, so that's something I would look forward to as well. My style of punishment is stern but informative. For example, if there was a situation where an officer had broken a rule and needed to be talked to, I would be firm and lean more towards educating the officer rather than going straight for a demotion. This would vary from situation to situation, of course. I will always try my best to be a great example of the PD. 

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

Edited by CeCe
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"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision"

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CeCe is very dedicated and proud of their  work and I support CeCe joining PD low command. You would be a great addition to the team CeCe! 

Good luck


Captain Phamel 1L20

Edited by Phamel321
Made a mistake and corrected it.
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Active in-game and in teamspeak

Constantly training new cadets and is a role model for PD ranks

Has 0 warns and follows rules. Familiar with PD protocol and handbook.

Reasonable with punishments--willing to talk to reported player before issuing strike or demotion


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 Pyke Captain Purge HVYTO, SGT Royal Guard CDT 

Trial-Moderator | Imperial

PD MSGT EMS PM | USMS AGT | S.R.T PVT Event Team | Moderator PoliceRp

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+ Support shows great potential as a future leader, always willing to help improve the community as a whole.
+ Active and will remain professional most of the time and a fun person overall.

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Very active and friendly. Always shows willingness to help and teach others.

Trains an insane amount of cadets.

Professional and entertaining at the same time.


Best of luck to you CeCe


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