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Steve's NCO App


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What is your name?:


What is your rank?:

Senior Aviator

How long have you been an Enlisted?:

Three days

What rank are you applying for?:


How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?:


Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?:

I used to be SO / DT NCO / GM so in terms of being entrusted with elevated responsibilities I think I'm a safe pick. I put a lot of work into maintaining a friendly approach to people and ensuring the position I hold is being represented appropriately.  I do have a lot of experience with managing people, especially in the field. Most of it comes from a lot of hours spent in games like Squad/HLL so when it comes to the leadership aspect of it I feel confident in my abilities. SF is my primary life now so I want to help the unit regrow to its former glory from a few years ago. I could do it through the enlisted rank, but the privileges of an NCO would make this job much easier. Also, I'm Steve.

What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?:

There's no worse feeling than having no help in managing a big group of people. I'd offer my aid in that department as well as make sure SF members are not getting rusty by hosting flight sims. The hosting tryouts part doesn't need to be mentioned as it's more of a requirement rather than something I could offer. I also explain the responsibilities I'd attend to in the question below.

What is the main purpose of an NCO?:

Generally speaking, NCOs are the backbone of any unit, holding everything together from falling apart like a house of cards. Their responsibilities lie with babysitting the enlisted personnel, which includes guiding them through their journey in SF; making them soak with all the information and necessary training so one day they can become the best versions of themselves. NCOs are also a translation tool between the brass and your common grunts. COs plan for things to happen, NCOs and Enlisted make things happen.

General responsibilities would include training pilots, recruiting new pilots, maintaining order in the unit which also includes ensuring that the SOP is being abided by, being a guide for new members, handling tasks given by COs or authorized personnel, maintaining a positive image of SF, serving as eyes and ears for COs - since NCOs are the ones dealing with Enlisted the most, the amount of information they can gather on how the unit functions is pretty sizeable, and the feedback they can provide invaluable. Last but not least - resolving internal conflicts between their subordinates.

Question, what would happen if you see a enlisted not following orders and they are messing around?:

Many tools at my disposal allow me to deal with this situation. First and foremost, I'd try to talk to that person to determine whether we can end it with a verbal reprimand and/or a PT or if we will have to escalate it further. I'd call Shock to deal with the problematic trooper in case of further insubordination and breaking imperial laws. Depending on the severity of the infractions, informing COs may be in order for them to escalate the situation and possibly issue a strike if they deem fit.

Throughout this entire interaction, I'd try to figure out where the unacceptable behavior is coming from. It'd help me figure out whether this person even cares for his position in the SF or if he changes outfits like socks the second he feels fire under his a... Bottom. With that figured out, it'd be easier for everyone to determine the final solution that would close this case shut.

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?:

I do.

Chapter 2: Yapping

I dedicate this part to Bonez who loves reading.

The universe we live in is a fascinating place. A place filled with laws we thought we understood until the early 1900s when physicists constructed a first block towards a groundbreaking discovery - an old quantum theory. It served as a tool to correct errors that were conflicting with the current at the time laws of physics. From there, we continued to learn more and more about the unpredictable nature of our universe, and phenomenons that were going to flip the general relativity theory upside down. With the introduction of quantum mechanics, we also were led to believe yet another fascinating theory, a multiverse theory that tells us that there are multiple universes existing outside our own. An idea that was deemed to be probable even by Stephen Hawkings. Imagine, an infinite amount of universes with every possible scenario playing out. And, most importantly, an infinite amount of universes in which I'm the NCO in SF.



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-Very Active (Most Active Enlisted)

-Fun guy

-Hasn't done anything bad recently

-Great image attached

-Long application!


Very new to SF.


Deserves it to be honest. the only bad thing is he is new to Starfighters; He's got a long application, good history and has done great so far. Overall, if i deserve to be an officer, he deserves to be an NCO.

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Current: Wing Commander Willow [Major]
 Former: Shock LCPL & Shock PFC, Shock 1LT, Shock SPC 501st PFC x2 & 501st LCPL & 501st SPC Medical Corps PVT, Purge SGT, ST PVT, Apprentice II, GMII, Moderator Formerly known as Kold

Join SF Today, Fly Ships, Conduct Engineering!

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verry active 

keeps good morale

super fun to be around

Current: SF Vice Marshall Razor


EX: Nova Black Hole Squadron Officer CPT Razor , Purge Heavy Lead 1st LT Worth,

Med SSGT Worth

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+ support i havent seen him around but based on what these guys said above and his application in general he seems like he would be a good nco

also cool picture

hi im jimmy

current: coolest guy around

former: Tank SHC CSM (and also enlisted) IC DME CPL 501st HVYAL, (coolest) ARCAL Hammer, COL for 10 mins, & VCMDR | DT Sarlacc SPC SF Onyx WO © 4568 Blu © 4457 Reaper 1207 Sev

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