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DCOS Ion Davis - 48 Hours

Ion Davis

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Hello, Fellow members of the FBI! Many of you may know me, or not based on the last month or so. I don't have an explanation for my recent loss in activity.  None the less, I would like to thank every member of the FBI. Probationary Agent to Director you were all amazing to play with. You all made my days 100x better, and I don't know where I would be without all of you. I learned how to lead, teach, punish, promote, and so much more with everyone here. Although my time in this department is coming to a close, the memories will be around forever. 


@Matilda First of all, you were an amazing Deputy Director and an even better Director than I could have imagined. Towards the end, I know we had our differences, but even still you were a delightful boss. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your command, and even eventually your High Command. It was an honor, and I hope I helped FBI become the more active environment that I said I would. It may have not became the dream department I always hoped it would be, but it was still more active than I ever saw it, so I have to give it that. Keep being the great Director that you are.

@Jim Pickett  JIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! You are an absolutely spectacular member of the FBI. You have been constantly active, constantly helpful, and you made this department so much better. You have always been a super funny guy, and one that definitely attracts members to FBI. You always brought a positive outlook onto the entire department, and I hope to see you in an Executive position at a later date. You will be such an amazing Deputy or even Director one day. You need to have faith in yourself like I do for you. You are fair, respectful, kind, funny, honest, dedicated, just, and so much more. If anyone deserves Deputy Director, it should be you. Please continue to be the amazing person we all know you are, and continue to work hard. You're going to be something someday, I have no doubts.

SECRET SERVICE: You guys are all amazing. I loved working with you to help bring more people to SS, and I hope to see you all have a prosperous growth soon. You have a really wonderful department, and one that I think will go far with a bit of time.

HOSTAGE RESCUE TEAM: This was an amazing department to view as an advisor. Not only being in this department was amazing, but so was helping it where ever possible.

UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE: Ahh, my beloved. I will continue to be in this department for some time after this post, it's not a resignation, but just a quick thingy. You are amazing, all of you, and I love working with all of you. 



Deputy Chief Of Staff Ion Davis RA-7.

Romeo Alpha-7, show me end of shift. o7

Edited by Ion Davis
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Damn, no mention AGAIN. Yall are doing me DIRTY. But for real though, you were a great HC member and I wished you could have gone farther, keep it up in other departments!


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