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Experiment 1785-B "Daylight" Initiative

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-Biological/Altered Animal-
Lead Researcher: Salt

Researcher Assistant(s): 72nd CPT Jacobs & Doctor K. "Harbinger" Zuko

Purpose: Create a hivemind-based entity capable of "assimilating" a target group and reducing individuals to a feral state and inducing a primal need to infect others; they're to be used as a vanguard to a imperial invasion or as general shock infantry for imperial forces.
Lethality Class: [A]Absolution [S] Spectral

Experiments Name: Redacted Unofficially Named "Project Hive Lord"

Symptoms: Loss of motor functions, Over production of Testosterone & Adrenaline, Cell necrosis, Growth attached to head, complete non-essential muscle and organ atrophy.
Upon infection via biting or ingestion of contaminated materials any KIA personnel will be "reanimated" aswell as any still alive infected will immediately notice micro sized "bugs" swarming their bloodstream/skin and sealing any wounds to prevent material loss.
10-Minutes: micro bugs begin to gather and repurpose biological material from the body and constructs a type of synaptic relay to connect the host's body and the "Hive Lord", the structure housing the relay is capable of independent movement and is capable of infecting another host should its original one be.. "out of commission" these are classified as 1784-B-2 

12-Minutes: Complete control of the host is transferred to the "Hive Lord" and the host turns into one of five possible form variants depending on the combat environment.
Field Tests: TIE/PH "Phantom" was loaded with two repurposed Discord Missiles (CIS Buzz Droid Deployment Method) the capsule containing the buzz droids was cleared and filled with sedated 1785-B-2 Entities. SF's Onyx squadron took off and intercepted an unidentified Nebulon-B Frigate near the outer reaches of the Lothal system, upon detecting it the fighters cloaked and moved into attack position; the frigate was silenced within 60 seconds and in 120 the engines were knocked out. mobile signal jammers were deployed to catch any possibility of a distress call then finally the two discord missiles were fired and struck the ship's bridge and the rear-section's engineer bay at 06:00 local sector time. After scanning the ship it was determined at the time of deployment there were 263 souls on board the vessel, after 2 hours only five unassimilated remained. After another hour at 09:00 LST no change; It was decided to deploy a squad of 69th Pararescue & an Assault Unit, Pararescue's objective was to reach the survivors location in the water filtration section while  AUT's task was to reach the Bridge & Security Room to clear and destroy any records of what happened with the final objective of both being to link up at the Reactor and Over-Load It. 10:00 LST ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETEafter exfil code SANDMAN called, All AUT were issued S.M.E.D's.
Casualties: Two Pararescue Operators & Three Assault Team personnel.
Opposition Casualties: 122 Confirmed KIA by insertion team, After Reactor Detonation Frigate Destroyed With All Hands Presumed Lost.

Debriefing Notes
-Operators and Assault Personnel Reported many late-stage infection forms
[REDACTED] were infected 1784-B-2 forms seemed to take what little biomass they could due to their size and move on to other people.
-Multiple piles of bodies were discovered clumped together
-Forced entry into sealed areas suggesting lack of memory retention and confirming loss of basic/advanced motor skills
- Signal Jammers had little to no effect on Hive Lord control.
-Advised that 1784-B only be deployed to military targets as witnessing
 [REDACTED] forms immediately demoralized AUT personnel and would likely cause standard infantry to [REDACTED] ,aswell as causing whoever survived to suffer from [REDACTED], Insomnia, Thoughts of [REDACTED] etc.
-ISB cover up the sudden "disappearance" of the vessel to a hyper drive malfunction.


Delivery System Effective and 1784-B is capable of devastating personnel on a physical and mental level, On another hand it is IMMPARITIVE it does not break containment into the wider galaxy. No witnesses to the project aside from imperial personnel are allowed; lethal force is authorized. 1784-B entities can be destroyed via blaster fire, explosives and flame projectors should imperial's come into direct engagements. Three HCOM+ can authorize its deployment on a AO 1000KM from civilian structures, Two SNRHCOM+ may Authorize a maximum of 2 deployments at any given time within a 500KM radius of civilian structures and Executive HCOM has the entire arsenal at their disposal. 8 Warheads and 2 Sedated broods of hive lords are awaiting transport to Black Site "[TIER 1 Classified]"  
Recovered Artist's Depiction of a late stage "Ravenger" Combat Form 


DT Vice Commander XO1||GM-V Salt||MC R COL/Para Salt

Former: MC Commander, DT SC01 XXIII (First Tick 23 SC01), SCT NCO,
Purge Officer  Spectre 03

Into The Fires of Battle,Unto The Anvil of War

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W Roleplay, W experiment

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