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Jammer's Police RP Admin Application - Denied


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What is your in-game name?: Jammer

What is your steam name?: Snipin9reaper

What is your steam ID?: 76561198373028730

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No, I do not.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around 2020

What date did you make your forums account? Janurary 15, 2024

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? N/A.. A little unsure, so putting this in here for good measure, user.

How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot) 5

What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator

Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No.

Have you read the staff guidelines at?

Have you read the staff guidelines at

? You will be tested on it: Yes.


Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe I deserve the rank of trial moderator because I'm genuinely passionate about creating a fun and fair environment for everyone on the Garry's Mod server. I'm dedicated to ensuring that the rules are followed, and that all players can enjoy their time without any hassle. I'm pretty good at talking things out and solving problems, which comes in handy when conflicts pop up. Plus, I'm reliable and willing to put in the time needed to keep things running smoothly. Overall, I reckon I've got the skills and attitude to make a positive impact as a trial moderator.

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: In such situations, professionalism is paramount. I would calmly remind the individual of the server's regulations and stress the gravity of their actions. Offering them an opportunity to explain their behavior is essential, though if they continue to exhibit disrespect and refuse cooperation, disciplinary measures would be necessary. These actions might involve a temporary ban or escalating the issue to higher-ranking administrators for further resolution. Upholding the server's standards and fostering a positive gaming environment for all participants are primary concerns in such situations. It's crucial to address misconduct firmly but fairly, maintaining the integrity and harmony of the community.

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-Support.  and imao say what @DaksHoursaid.

Plus you didnt put the right name and there is no pole. And you dont have 25 post's 

Edited by GoblinGamer

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                                                                              Pyke Enforcer

                                                                          Pyke Expert Saboteur

                                                                         Purge HVY SGT [SS34]

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Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team!

Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


~Police-RP Senior Management Team



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