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House Arrest & Parole addition - Denied


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What you want to see? -  Instead of just having basic arrest we can add a house arrest feature where they are set to a certain area of their choice (a property they own) and if they leave that area a dot (almost the same as the panic dot) shows up and marks their location, we could also add parole as an option on the arrests for more realistic sentencing.

Why should we add it? - adds more realism to arresting people instead of just putting them in jail.

What are the advantages of having this? - keeps the server more realistic and allows better roleplay for prison sentencing.

Who is it mainly for? - Mainly gov, partially crim

Links to any content - N/A


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There are too many issues with this.


  1.  What if they don't own property?
  2.  Is it really a punishment if they are in their own base and can just farm some money before going back out to commit crime in a few minutes?
  3.  You didn't put any links to content, meaning you want this custom made. This sounds like an absolute nightmare to try and code.


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  • Manager

Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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