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Mr Blaze Map Suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? - I would like to see Rockford brought back.

Why should we add it? -  To be honest its just best for our servers kind or Rp. Also Rockford had a steady amount of players of crim and gov departments. Ever since the maps have changed the number of players have gone down. I think we should stay on our custom Rockford map but change it every once in a while. As in change a few things every now and then like move a certain building somewhere else something big enough to give it a nice change every now and then. So we get to all stay on the map we love the most. Ever since we changed to Union City there has been low activity all around and I dont believe Lakeside will fix that. I feel like the majority of people can agree with me aswell. I know some people like a new map every now and then but honestly its never proven to help or workout. If anything when a new map comes out some older players or people who usually dont play much anymore hop on to check it out then go bye bye again within a week or shorter time. 

What are the advantages of having this? - Better for our Rp and better player count.

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone 

Links to any content - N/A 

Notes: After seeing a few comments I just want to add we've been on this map before and it has proven to not help. Also its just a matter in time until we are back on Rockford for another entire year due to it being best for us. All I'm asking is to stop switching it and just focus on changing Rockford every now and then. 

More Notes SMH: Please dont be talking about how Rockford is stale or the same when literally I've explained on how to make it not stale as in change it up every month or so its like some of yall dont even comprehend nor read half of what I said. Ill also add that weve given this map and plenty others chances ever since we switched maps staff gets pinged about every day so do family heads sometimes deps due to low player count it is Saturday 8/12/2023 4pm WITH 30 PLAYERS AND MOST ARE AFK. 

Edited by Mr_Blaze
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S.W.A.T. MSGT\S.W.A.T. HFTO\Blaze Family Owner

"Fuck with the Blaze, catch the smoke"



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Negatives first

-Rockford while a good map is stale at this point. Most other good police/darkrp servers play on Rockford already.

-we just switched maps, let's use this one for a little bit and see how the playercount is. I think the underlying issue is that not a lot of people play GMOD anymore compared to a few years ago. 


+familiarity has its issues but also means players won't get frustrated trying to learn a new map

+easy setup for GL. Everything needed to be places has obvious areas where it'd be good.


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its our best preforming map and I do understand that it gets stale but as blaze mentions if we do do small changes every month or 2 it would be honest the best choice 



Retired: PD LT 1L57 | S.W.A.T.  MSGT XD5 

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It gets super stale and is a reason some people leave. To be honest a good idea of a map would be one that changes with the seasons that isn't just a circle or a box with roads insides of the box/circle

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

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 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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