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Woods - Officer Application


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Woods - IC Officer Application

1. Your full in-game IC name and rank: IC DME SFC 7994 Woods

2. Have you ever been striked in IC? (How have you improved?): No

3. How many warnings do you have?: 0

4. How is your in-game activity? (Officer activity is tracked by IC and HC.):

Very good, I relatively try to be on most days. Weekends are a little spotty as it varies based on the day; https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/541980602

5. What is your current sub-specialty?: 


6. Why do you want to become an IC Officer? (150+ Words):

The Imperial Commandos are in a bit of a rough spot at the moment. With only one other officer besides Chrono. For the past couple weeks, Chrono has been carrying this battalion with the help of Tuna and without him, IC would be in shambles. I'd like to take this load off his back and begin helping shape IC into a creative outlet where all members of the battalion can have fun and pursue different avenues. I've offered many ideas and I'll offer many more in terms of creative trainings, new ideas for the battalion, and different directions we can take it. I look forward to the future of IC and I hope that I can help get it there. Working alongside the current NCO core has been a great experience. I've learned the ropes and taught a few things, but all in all, it's been an experience nonetheless. I enjoy my time in IC, not worrying about what's next, but worrying about what we can do now. Sieging the moment and making the best of it. Adding twists and turns to every corner to make it more enjoyable and make it something people can look forward to playing after they get home from work or school. I won't let this battalion become a chore, but more of something to look forward to.

7. Why should you be trusted to become an IC Officer? (100+ Words):

I've been attempting to prove myself a bit throughout my stay on the server. Helping intermittently where I can with the limited resources I had available. Working with Tank mainly to see them succeed. Working with Tank, I learned a great deal about the server, and when I felt comfortable that Tank could support itself, I left to join IC. Now, Tank has the most players out of every battalion which is unheard of. That is from the dedication and work of their wonderful Officer Core and Command Team. I've learned a lot from them and a lot from the people that have been showing me the ropes. I won't back down from any challenge put in ICs way as I always have the motto the "get creative."

8. What advantage would you bring to IC by becoming an Officer (100+ Words)?

Creativity, Activity, and Dedication are the main three points that I'll be bringing to IC. I'm always striving, with the help of the rest of IC, to develop new ways for us to take part in Simulations, Trainings, and other activities to keep the Imperial Commandos retainment  up. Alongside this, I've been pushing for us to work a bit more with some of the other battalions on the server. There's been few occasions that I've attempted to set up joint trainings with Shock with baton hide and seek or working with new STs in missions and showing them the ropes as was done was for me.

I intend on continuing this, not holding myself on a pedestal, but teaching what was taught unto me so the server may succeed. My mission isn't to just bring IC back and keep it on it's feet. My mission is to see it succeed alongside every other battalion. I won't stop till I get there. I made that promise to Tuna, I intend on keeping my word.

9. Please specify the 2 Major+ Members that gave you Permission to Apply for this role:

Brigadier General Tuna

IC SSE VCMD 1207 Sev

Edited by Fimmzy
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Works well with other personnel in IC, Active member of the Server. Pretty Decent Officer application.

Application Could have a little more Length HOWEVER this does not make it any lesser of a leader due to this.

I would Love to serve with Woods In the Imperial Army's Officer Corps.|

                                                                                                                                                                                                            -Current IC LTCOL Omega Squad lead Niner
Former- DT MSGT PI3,

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Application Accepted

Please reach out to a Senior Officer+ in your battalion for training if you haven't already.


IC Vice Commander 107 Sev

Current: Navy Deputy Director of Security Ensign Chrono | Pyke Henchman I Woodland


Former: IC Commander 1138 Boss | IC VCMDR 1207 Sev | IC CSLD SSLD DMS MAJ 4457 Reaper | IC CSVL SSLD DMS 4560 Gren | IC SSS DMS SFC 1597 Chrono | Navy SO PO1 Chrono | Pyke ESR Henchman II Krono | Apprentice I Sonic Royal Guard CDT Chrono ISB Director Orson Krennic Senior Gamemaster | ISB Deputy Director Beerus Acting Marshall Chrono | Support | Forum Diplomat | Senior Commander | Senior Admin

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