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Find a Better Spot for ISB (GM) / Dark Trooper Bunks

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The GM ISB and Dark Trooper jobs / whitelists are made up of the same group of people, currently totaling 13 members. They have been given their own dedicated area of the map for their bunks, which is almost completely redundant as there is nothing that they truly use them for. Actual regiments use their bunks for things such as weekly meetings, trainings, tryouts, and other similar activities. This is simply not the case with the GM team, they will almost always not be on the respective admin jobs at the time of those meetings, and don't have the standard activities that actual RP regiments have.

I understand the map is brand knew and not everything is set in stone, but the fact that they have been given their own section (let me reiterate once again that it is only 13 people) whilst the entirety of the Naval Branch totaling 49 members from Navy/SF/ISB Internal Affairs, and 25 Deathtroopers, for a total of 74 people share a single bunks space. All of these regiments host some forms of activities that would benefit by having their own space available, but all 74 people who are actively engaging in Roleplay are crammed into the same space given to a measly 13. There are plenty of other options for bunk spaces for the ISB or Dark Troopers (across from IC bunks at the SOC room for example) that would not intrude on the regiments that are engaging in RP regularly (Not just the one person who hops on ISB every so often).

Personal Suggestions for Alternatives:

1.) Place ISB/Dark Troopers in the Open Bunk Slot across from IC. They have the high clearance level like IC and would be granted access to the Special Ops center and such. They have access to ships (and Dark Troopers Rocket Boots) so getting to the base wouldn't be too troublesome for them. (The only reason I am not suggesting DT bunks be moved here is it would be an extremely long run / walk for your average trooper just to make it to a VIP.)

2.) Moving ISB/Dark Trooper bunks to one of the available spots in the General Bunks area. Whilst, yes, DT bunks or any of the Naval regiments could be moved there as well, doing it this way allows the branch to be in one centralized spawn location just as it has been prior.

3.) Adding a keypad to one of the houses in the town and having that serve as the ISB GM bunks, it gives them their own section, and it wouldn't be uncommon from an RP standpoint for an occupational force to take over a local building for some form of forward operations / data intelligence gathering.

Once again I'd like to address and ackowledge that this map and everything is brand new and not set in stone as of yet, but I genuinely believe that this change would benefit the Naval branch by giving them more space and room to perform their RP work without stepping on each other's toes. The GM team deserves the perks like being able to be on the ISB / Dark Trooper jobs, but previously they had the Pandora which allowed them to have their own personal section. With the current setup they are taking more space than is given to an entire RP branch when I believe some of these other alternatives could prove to benefit and satisfy all parties involved. 



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Who in their right mind would stick DT bunks in with another...
sorry "Nova Bunks" ...
How does a battalion run out of a broom closet? :3


Edited by Bard

      CURRENT: Top G         #justiceforTrojan#slideforRacc
"We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close to providing peace and security for the galaxy". -Director Orson Callan Krennic

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2 minutes ago, Bard said:

Who in their right mind would stick DT bunks in with another...
that is asking for a genocide when a DT spawns in with no helmet :3

PLEASE Fix this

Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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Putting my own DT biases aside, from how this was structured prior it really does not make a lot of sense. What is seen on paper as something beneficial is not going to be executed well in practice as it'll end up resulting in more complaints from various parties rather than benefits.

Just my opinion tho 🙂

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This map has been in the works for months. There is a full section of the map dedicated for every single Army battalion to have their own personalized bunks area. Why should DT and Naval be punished for how the map was created? I understand this wasn’t the intention with the creation of the map (and Beckett really went out for this map, it’s really well done) but to just blatantly target a whole branch which has already had enough removed from it (Inferno, the joining of SF Naval) and cram us in a space closet seems grossly disrespectful to everyone who has put time and effort into our respective battalions. There are tons of places for “temporary” jobs (ISB/Dark) to have a bunk area, but it shouldn’t effect more permanent battalions. 


The fact that this has to go through the forums for some kind of fix shows the massive disconnect between the higher tiers of server management (JMT, SMT, High Command, and Senior High Command) and the general playerbase that is effected by the decisions of the minority. Were the command reps contacted about the changes to the map and the placement of their branch? Were battalion commanders contacted regarding what they would like located near their bunks or aspects to improve roleplay? These aren’t rhetorical questions. I think I speak for the majority of the playerbase when I say that we would like to be kept in the loop a little more and know the process that goes into everything. If any commanders and battalion reps can answer my above questions, feel free.

Edited by Crunch
  • Gaminglight Love 1

i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior Commander | Senior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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